Monday, February 1, 2016

Gaia's Grooves [2-1-2016]

Gaia's Groves


Gaia: There is more then just one world one can say. Though this is not fully accurate.  more like at one point in the past the world as you know it now split, with humanity choosing to go in one direction and other races other, and so a world was set aside for them, or more accurately it drifted from being 1 world into 2.  The process not need be gone into here.  But it is similar in how Agartha came to be.  A resonance slightly different then that of the earth that you know.  On this other earth, that some do call Gaia's grooves as well as there being many other names, there are other species and races.  Not to unlike alternate timelines where other choices are made, such as Atlantis being around still and the dinosaurs, and other extinction events, never happening. 

This other earth is what this earth could have been if certain choices humanity made had been different.  Though being multi dimensional the other choices can be explored at the same time as this one is explored here, with the myriad choices here resulting in other timelines, or one can say that the way time works there are other timelines that always did exist.  I'll not go into the details now since they are unimportant at this time. 

The point is that there are races on this other world, some that would surprise many living on the earth that they know as this one at this moment.  Giants, and others, unicorns.  Though some of them do live in Atartha as well or travel between the 2 since some beings do know how to travel between the various timelines and possibilities. 

many of you are in these other timeless, yourselves, your true selves exploring other choices, and other alternatives available. So the earth.  So I am not just one earth, but many.  As you are not just 1 self, but many.  As well as many having selves on other words. 

The expansiveness of the individual is more vast then many expect.  it may surprise many, but I am also not my fullest being. I'm a reflection, aspect, facet, or whatever you wish to call it. One that had a great interest in being a planetary being, incarnating as a planetary being.  Though since I am incarnated as a planetary being, I can also be incarnated as a being who's not a planetary being.  Stars can do this also and many do, but some choose not to.  But that is enough about this for now.  

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