Thursday, January 14, 2016

Jon: the Afterlife (the other side)

Ok, let's see how this goes.


The Afterlife (the other side)

Jon: Now as to what some call death, what this really is is not so much as death of the person. Look at it more like the human suit that is made of lead and 1 or more sizes to small, restrictive.  now when the physical body on earth at present dies it is more like the falling  away of a heavy suit that was restrictive and how you are free and can move around much more freely.  Now those accustomed to a body will unconsciously manifest a body for themselves since this is within physicality.  This body though will be far lighter, think like instead of a body made of lead as the earth human body is, this body is made of air. So far lighter.  Now depending on how attuned and how often one has incarnated on earth, the individual's energy may be heavier or more dense then it may be for one who is a first timer on earth.  This is somewhat like waking up in the morning, some are bright and alert and others need some time to wake up.  Some some need longer to get use to being back on the other side since this will not be their first time there in most cases but a thing they have done before.  Some need longer to adjust be being back  home, depending on a number of factors like what the life and death was like, how often they've had to step down their energies to incarnate, which is interfacing part of one's energy with the physical brain and to a lesser extent the body, but we can discuss this more later. 

now the custom on earth, and many places, is to have one appear that either was one that you knew in life who died before you who can guide you to the other side fully to where you can rest and recover. it may also be a guide or friend who one has not incarnated on earth.  Though in many cases, especially if one who has incarnated on earth a lot, it'll be one who has incarnated but died before you since if you are not fully aware and adjusted to the other side, you'll still recognize your wife, mother father, older sibling, life long friend, ect, who has gone before you into death.

now what often happens next is you are taken to a place to rest and recover, to start adjusting to being back on the other side.  Some adjust faster then others.  part of the determining factor is that sort of lives one had, say total denial of life after death, a distorted view of what it's trully like, or other factors, like if one has incarnated on earth a lot or just a few times or once. 

now if one exspects to go into this or that religious based afterlife they will experience this, part of the adjustment process will be adjusting them to how things truly are in the afterlife, which is one's true home , not being incarnated on the earth.  Though there is no hurry after this since one can take time for this.  There is no hurry on the other side since time is a fluid thing, especially after a certain level of awareness.

It does not take most very long to adjust to being back home on the other side. So for most the adjustment process can be a rapid one, not taking that long.  Some may need extra help and for these individuals there are experts who are very experienced healers to help them in whatever way they may need help.

now for the afterlife here are varying levels of density one can say.  Though it's not like floors of a skyscraper nor signs where you'll see, oh you're about to go to the 5th density from the 4th.  But density is perhaps more accurate then dimension, but there are many labels for the same thing. I prefer density myself since it grows less and less dense as one goes up in awareness, knowledge, being attuned ot your true self and so on.

now some beings, such as native earth humans, who incarnate on the earth primarily or only, see incarnating as helping them to learn, evolve, ect.  each incarnation being like a step upward in learning.  Even if one slides back this is seen as a learning experience too, though it may take some longer learn and recover from this experience. 
Others may come in from outside the earth system to either experience a new experience, to learn what it's like to be a human, either to increase their own knowledge, or if they wish to open themselves to being a guide to 1 or more humans, if they are wanderers, who incarnate across many different worlds and species to experience many things.  or others may come in to help with large projects, like the shift that your world and collective is currently going through, some some may come in just for 1 or a few incarnations to help with this shift.

now what some call the afterlife one can divide up into 2 types, physicality and non physicality.  There is a section of reality that is non physicality where the beings there look like balls or spheres of light and they are points of consciousness.

now earth is not the only place within physicality, but it is, at present, one of the most dense.  Though there are denser places, since the earth is becoming less dense as time passes. The beginning steps begin back a ways, since time is fluid it doesn't have to start at this set date and only work forward, though some are not aware enough to move around in time like one can swim in a swimming pool, moving in any direction.

now in the afterlife there are areas that one may perceive as being near the earth, though it is on other vibrational frequencies or planes much like Agartha and the underground naga city and others.  Now some would say it radiates outwards, the human afterlife that grows less dense the farther one gets from the earth.  This is not a necessity but more for convenience's sake and for those younger beings who are learning while remaining there before incarnating again.  Now there are various communities spread through these areas.  Think of this as similar to cities on the earth, though much more harmonious, naturally, then the incarnates are at present on the earth.  These areas do have places you can learn, do what you want to do.  Since there is no, you have to get a job and do this, its all about what excites you the most, what brings you joy, this is what you choose to do on the afterlife as one calls it.

Though a better way to look at this 'afterlife' is this afterlife is the true life.  This incarnation instead of being true reality is the dream and being in the afterlife is the true reality.  Thought this may change in the near future, it is changing bit by bit, to where it'll, earth that is, may be more like just a different layer of true reality.  You can step into a suit, not needing to be born on earth, at some point in the future, and you can do this or that.  Though that is the future and not the present.

Now the reason for the 2 systems on earth, the karmic and the blank slate is it was originally meant to be both a school and a place beings can experience a new experience, not being consciously aware that they are part of source, each other & themselves.  or that they are part, earth humans that is, are part of the human collective, yet also individuals at the same time.   others came in to meddle with things.  now the problem with these 2 systems is in the karmic system that was in place on earth, it is being phased out bit by bit, was technically you have to settle things on this side, but with the blank slate you can't recall past stuff at all.  Thus this complicates things, and the undesired thing is many became stuck not unlike a hamster on a hamster wheel, though this is changing.    Others did learn but this was slowed down far more then it was supposed to be.  But again this is changing. 

Once in the afterlife one has many things they can do.  many native earth humans see incarnating, as I mentioned, as learning, each one 1 step up.  Between these incarnations they learn and do various other activities, explore, ect, till their next incarnation, when they feel the desire to do so.  Others may come once or a few times and leave for good or return ages in the future. 

Money is a thing that doesn't really exist in the afterlife.  above a certain level of being one can just instantly manifest what one wishes.  Some are not aware they can do this, but being provided for and getting what you want is not that difficult compared to some beings incarnated on the earth.  and that is one thing that draws some to incarnate on the earth once or a few times, to experience limitation as well as denser reality and way of being.

Those less fortunate ones do get the help the need, so none are shoved away, hidden, forgotten nor ignored. 

Things are much more love aligned on the other side, the natural and true way of doing things.  Though there are varying levels of awareness, densities.  Also one does not get to a certain point on the other side and stop learning.  The learning for every being goes on forever, literally.  A being who has say been around for a million or a billion years is still learning, expanding, increasing their awareness, having fun, ect.  just what they are doing on those levels of being some may find hard to understand and comprehend.

Though they do not have to move up to other levels or reality.  Some get to a certain level of reality, say the 4th, 6th or what have you, density or dimension and decide they wish to explore what this density, level of being, this reality and see what it has to offer.  So they can be there for a very long time, perhaps forever.  This is the decision for each being to deside for themselves and not any other.  Others move up through densities and levels of reality or levels of being, either moving upwards, or traveling through varying levels of being since they may find they enjoy more then a single level or being. 

now on the varying levels of awareness, levels of being, densities, there can be groups, societies, collectives that are all say of the light, but this one may not trust that one & think they have ulterior motives or can't be trusted, but they are all learning, as we all are.  and this experience can and will for some be a learning experience.  Everyone is an individual.  Being source does not mean there is no individuality.  Being part of a collective does not mean there is no individuality.  There is always the individual, though they are also source, and part of one or more collectives as well as being source as all are source.  Though some may not see this as of yet in themselves or the collective may not see it in itself as of yet, they do learn in time, at their own pace and speed, that is right for them.

Some are drawn eventually to return to incarnate on earth again, some will find they are drawn outwards, never returning to incarnate on the earth again.  perhaps going elsewhere, and or returning to be a guide or teacher to those who do incarnate on the earth.  The options are unlimited.  And just because one has incarnated on the earth once does not mean that that individual will return to incarnate again.  Many do, some do not.  again the options are many.

The learning is in many cases not done like in classrooms.  There are more fun ways to learn, more loving, on the other side in what some refer to the afterlife.  Each finds their own ways of learning and  there is ample help for all.  They can help you find it if you are unsure yourself, unsure of what to explore, uneasy about it, ect, others will come to help and will be glad to help you since doing so is a help to you and though they may not realize it, it will be helping themselves too.

On the other side you can look how you want.  many subconsciously choose to look similar to how they did in their physical life prime.  Though some may prefer other appearances.  language is a physical thing, but many keep the habit of language on the other side.  Though some societies do drop this after a time. many who are still on the other side keep it out of habit.  Much like eating. one does not need to really eat on the other side since some would say light is enough, though some do prefer to eat, have the habit of eating, or they like to heat, like some like doing what seems to be physically speaking.   Again the options are many, unlimited really.

Now there are some who drop physicality completely and look to others like spheres of light.  Others can adopt whatever clothes they wish to appear to be wearing, or have energy be shaped into clothing.  many races do not wear clothing like humans do, but may wear something for the pockets it may have, to hang things from it, since they may not be aware enough to be able to naturally manifest,  Or they may just like how they look in a blue cloak, or a red vest. 

Now in other realities, planets, when they decide to end an incarnation, it is much like what was seen in star wars, where the body just dissolves away.  Also being born or hatched from an egg is not a requirement. it is a choice in other places and being born will become a choice, not a necessity, on earth, for those who wish to incarnate or experience being on the earth.  They will be able to just create a body for themselves, manifest a body.

The body one has on the other side is a manifested body, though one that most do on a subconscious level since they are either use to having a body, believe they will still have a body, they want to, or other reasons.  Since if one believes they will have a body on the other side, you will. 

and remember, you are never alone.  Feel free to ask or pray for help, from guides, loved ones on the other side, angels, arch angels, source, Gaia herself, or what you may believe in.

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