Monday, January 25, 2016

The Construction of Universes [1-25]

I di the 5 questions today, for the first time.  It went very well.  The first 4 answers were personal stuff, the 5th one I went very deep, and I guess I talked to either a guide or higher self, not sure which it was and it doesn't really matter.  he talked about how to properly manifest.  I went so deep it took me a few minutes to recall what had happened, so I must have gone beyond 3d reality.

From what I can recall he said the proper way to manifest is to imagine what you want, put emotion into it, but don't do it as if you are asking for it, do it as if you already have it and are excited about it.  he said this is the proper way to manifest. 

either before or after this, don't recall which, I got a flash of how the being multi dimensional works, my true self and all that.  instead of understanding it intellectually 3d, I had a flash thing where I had access to my true knowledge of it.


The Construction of Universes,


The creation of universes is a thing that is done with a group of individuals.  The universe they are going to build is talked over, ideas discussed.  Then they arrive at a consensus and then the more advanced planning is started.  They continue this till they are sure they are ready then the universe construction begins.  There are a variety of ways to undergo and to perform this.  Universes can be as varied as any individual from another. 

Some have no gravity, and in others gravity works different.  Some have no dualism/polarity, or whatever you wish to call it.  The variety of universes can be quite amazing.

The procedures for creating a universe some would find quite amazing to experience, let alone see.  not everyone at this level of being is involved in creating universes, some have other interests.   and even if they are interested in assisting in creating or the planning of a universe, there are still many fields and areas so most focus on 1 or a few areas, instead of being one who indulges in everything.

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