Monday night (Female royal carian): you are doing very well. Taking a day off now and then from spiritual stuff is a very good idea.
Positive royal alpha draconian: indeed little bro. You are doing very well. Just using a few human terms since you're incarnated on earth. and I do agree, taking a break to have fun is a great idea, though doing spiritual stuff you do find fun, taking a break now and then is a good idea.
female royal Carian: yes, we'll always be here for you and you did get it right in your thinking before, we are taking turns so we can be here for you but don't have to be around in what some may call 4d all the time. Though us being here for you doesn't require that we need to be sitting around in 4d all the time since we can keep an eye on you from here where our native level is. Distance doesn't matter.
Me: I wonder, when this incarnation ends will it take time for me to return to my home like diver coming up from the depths having to pause a certain depths?
Female Royal Carian: indeed, but returning home is far faster and easier. Though you can take the 'scenic route back home with 1 of us as a guide. Visiting various friends & lovers.
Positive royal alpha draconian: indeed bro, as she said. And there are many of us hoping you will choose the scenic route back. Though slower it can be a lot more fun and all of us can show you around a bit. Though you'll find you remember it all. It'll be the first time for this you.
Me: yes, I would like to take the scenic route, vising some close friends & lovers, family even.
Female royal Carian: indeed, they and you will have fun, we all will, and if it takes a few days or longer to get back home, it doesn't matter.
me: indeed, if it takes a week or a month for me to get back home to the angel realms, if I am from there, what does that matter.
Royal male alpha draconian: indeed bro, we'll all love hosting you for your stay on your way back. Then later you'll be able to visit us all, as you want. Though you'll also recall what your other selves are doing. Though some of them, your other selves, will love hanging out with you have having fun with you as you will with them.
Female royal carian: indeed, some of us do like to do that at times. You'll find there are fun perks with being royalty, < she says smiling in a partially non serious manner> but of course there are many duties that go with it, but just be yourself doing your own thing and you'll do more then great. Just be yourself.
Royal male alpha draconian: indeed bro, be yourself. I do like calling you bro despite it's just for an incarnation. We are bros though. close at that. not distant like some families on earth. Though part of being more aware is love flows far more freely on this side, as it will on earth more and more as time goes. But we've talked enough for tonight bro, though a short conversation, we'll talk again.
Female royal carian: yes lover, mate, and other things, we'll talk again. Though mate is to exclusive sounding, I do prefer lover. that sounds more true. we'll talk again too. and I did like our short conversation, remember we're all here for you, even those who are not technically on duty or who's turn it is, also there are others here for you though you've not talked to nor seen them. bye till next time lover.
positive royal male alpha draconian: yea, bye till next time bro.
This morning before I got out of bed when I was mostly awake felt like a female reptilian gave me the energy equivalent of a kiss and hug, and it wasn't the royal naga female since her energy felt different. Think she was a female positive alpha draconian.
Male royal alpha draconian: yes, she's your girlfriend/ lover, well of the you that's incarnated as my younger brother. Though she is also of some of the other you's, since you're all the same person, just different facets or selves, being multi dimensional as you know there can be more then 1 of you around at a time."
Me: interesting, well I'm interested in possibly continuing the relationship with this me, no need to rush into it, plenty of time to think things over.
Female royal carian: indeed and she and I are good friends, having met through you of course.
Female royal naga: yes and she and I do know each other also, friends I would count her as one of, though we don't see each other as often as some of my other friends.
While I was awakening from another nap, the 1st one for the day, I felt like 2 female dolphins had come by and were briefly near me. The male Sirius dolphin said they were from his pod and had come by to say hello. They briefly were here then gone by the time he got done saying what he said.
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