Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Gaia [12-14]

Had some dreams last night, the last one was a verbal conversation with my grandmother, who died decades ago when I was about 16 or 17.  part of what she and I talked about was yes, emotions are energy & if you suppress them they'll go somewhere. Like if you suppress anger it can come out as cancer.  She said with many people it is that, like her case the reason she says she got cancer was she had some suppressed anger.   She said also what I do is good, finding positive avenues or outlets for the anger energy

In my observation there's not just 1 type of anger but different types.  so the same venting or relaxing techniques doesn't work for for everyone or every type of anger.  For some playing angry music of certain video games may be a way for them to vent the types of anger that one can't just relax and release the energy.  Each has to find their own ways that work for them.


I was half asleep and it seems my grandmother woke me up just before she was leaving.  I guess she was around doing stuff or maybe just watching me or over me as the body slept or something.


Gaia <here I get the mental image of her caressing my chest and I'm in an anthro dolphin form>: So lover you had some questions?  <she says smiling in her usual way.

Me: well yes, I wasn't sure which begin would be up since they seem to take turns.

Gaia: yes, well that's increased a bit recently with one of your angel parents, to use an earth term and myself, since we are lovers this was seen as acceptable.

me: yes, well.  I guess my feeling like I have Swiss cheese type memory, to use a term from the old tv show Quantum Leap, since I seem to know certain things and not others.

Gaia: indeed it's normal sweetie, lover. You are becoming, growing, awakening, into more of your true self, so this growth, awakening or whatever term you wish to call it <and here I got the mental image of her changing to a more mermaid type form> instead of all at once.  you can direct this to some or a good extent, like if you ask one of use about a certain subject it may help you to gain access, awaken to what you already know, soon thereafter.  or you can leave at least some or most of it up to randomness.  All up to what you want.  and this will continue as time as humans experience it, and those incarnated, inhabiting human forms currently, experience it.  As you are going through, many others incarnated on earth will experience it.  Since you are an outsider who came in and part of your primary mission is to experience this, you are in the forefront, along with others, not all of them outsiders to the system here.  Others will be experiencing this over time, each at their own rates. Some decades from now when they return for another incarnation.  others will not but will take, other options, some of others incarnating either in the earth's past as those experiencing the earth experience call it, or other options available to them now or soon in the future.  Things will progress till the earth is fully in what some refer to as the 4th density or dimension, then continue till the 5th when that comes about. it's all normal and many other worlds have experienced this before, and many more will in the future.  Just this precise moment the earth, and a few others, are experiencing this.  Other worlds will have their turn come up later, when they are ready for it.
Me: so, a week or so ago, was that more of your true self I talked to briefly?

Gaia: indeed, what you may call another one of myselves, who's not incarnated, a higher up one, that is on a higher dimension then I am at present, higher self, but another me operating on a higher density or realm then I am at present. So yes, as the clues given she, well me and you, my and your, our multi dimensional selves did know each other before this incarnation of yours started lover.

me: I guess you're not the only planetary being I know or have some sort of relationship with?

Gaia: by no means no.  Some you are friends with, buddies, some you are varying degrees of lover, and such.  This me isn't the only me around.  For me it is like any being incarnated as a human.  I am a multi dimensional being with other selves, just I choose to operate on another level, another me may be incarnated elsewhere as something else, as you are, and some of our selves are not incarnated.  As I do think and feel you'll not be likely once this one ends, but that is fine.  There are an infinity of options for those who incarnate, and also for those who do not, and for those who may once in a great while.  an infinity of options if one takes into account not just this universe or present moment, but all of time and all the other realms, alternate timelines, dimensions, universes and so on.

me: I guess our special relationship will continue then for a long time.

Gaia: indeed, as long as we both wish it, it can literally go on forever.

me: is it all the sugar giving me some present problems?

Gaia: indeed it is. You're at the point where you must once again make make some adjustments to your eating plan. going a day or 2 with the 2 things you cut out is best.  Then you can add in the one with the less sugar and you'll do fine.  As your present moment progresses you may indeed find that you need to make adjustments here and there with what you eat, how much, how often, and so on.  It's caused by a mix of your high percentage of non human genes but also the fact you are one of the forefronts of the change, shift.  So it's harder for you then it will be for some who will come after.  Though there are alternatives, the internet is a great help.  and in time you may find that you need to travel to another store occasionally for certain things.  just take it as it comes along as you have been.

me: will the folks I keep talking to change and why does it exactly.  i think I know or feel some of why, but want a bit more details as to why.

Gaia: well lover, Some of it is some do not like the density or negativity of earth so they talk to or connect with you for a bit, then decide to wait till your incarnation is over, or talk to your other multi dimensional selves, looking on how you are doing, since to connect to or talk with you takes some getting use to since they are exposed to, for a bit, to the energies and frequencies of the earth at the present moment.  others you may have moved past and are talking to other multi dimensional selves of them that are more aware or operate at a higher density or dimension.  Others are finding out about the multi dimensional nature of all beings and find it a bit confusing so if they see you as a lover then to ease their confusion and such your multi dimensional self makes another that can be with them so to ease their confusion.  and some are taking turns and just decide they talked with this you for a bit so they can wait till your incarnation is over to continue, or reconnect with you at a later point.  or they wanted to help this you past a certain thing and have and go back to mainly dealing with some other you's not in such a dense place as earth at present is, as we are some may say.  So a variety of reasons.  I'll be here, though there may be weeks or months between our talking lover, but when one is immortal then a few weeks or more, even a month or so of not talking, is not big deal. Karinus keeps busy so it's not surprising that weeks can go by and he is out of contact with some folks.  Though shi does take breaks at times too.  Some you do visit in your dreams, though you do not remember all your dreams so that is something also.  So far more then just 1 or 2 reasons.

me: indeed, quite a few reasons, thanks.

Gaia: anytime lover, I always love spending time with you, talking and more then talking.  Things will be much more fun for us later in your future.


I did the living body map exercise that is wave 2.6.  it went well. Gaia popped up in it towards the beginning for a while.  She as in a mermaid form and I was in a humanoid dolphin from the chest up and from the belly down I was a regular type dolphin.  A few times we shared energy in a very pleasurable and loving manner.  Quite pleasant. We were, I think, floating underwater somewhere.  But due to the meditation I didn't try to look around since most of my attention was on what Robert Monroe was saying for me to imagine and do.  as I recall we were swimming while part of our bodies were touching, but we didn't need to move our tails since we were like flying through the water.


I lay down to do a light meditation and I was bilocated again, both in this human body but also elsewhere.  This elsewhere I was also with

I was briefly with Gaia, again swiping under the water.  She was in a mermaid form and I was at first in the same form as before, more humanoidish dolphin from the chest area up, with a dolphin head and arms, and regular dolphin from the belly area down.  We swam through where it was, some underwater place somewhere, not moving our tails but flying through the water and had a bit of energy type sharing, it was pleasurable.

Then after a bit I was somewhere else and in first a royal carian form (bird like being, bird of prey like an eagle type but covered in feathers and biped and wings on my back but with separate arms and bird of prey type claws. There was also a female carian, that looked very similar to how I did, and I did find her attractive & sexy and felt like I knew her.  Perhaps the female carian from before who's my male royal carian mate or lover.  She was saying to me that she does find me attractive and sexy, attractive and sexy enough to mate.  Then a female positive royal alpha draconian walked in from having appeared a short distance off.  not sure what room I was in, a sitting room or something maybe. didn't have much of a chance to look around much.  I was then in a male positive alpha draconian form.  The female positive royal alpha draconian said the same as the female royal carian did.  and got very close to me.  She did some sort of growling that I knew ment that she did find me sexually attractive, that she was sexually attracted to me, and she did this as she used her hands to caress the area near my tail base, and this form had wings on my back also.

The female carian made some sort of sound that meant much the same.  The female alpha draconian said that they find me as attractive and attractive sexually to mate, and as much as Gaia herself does, and certain other planetary beings.

They both started to caress me, sharing a slight bit of energy with me, sexual type energy.  I asked the female alpha draconian if she was Ajashara, and she said that was an earlier incarnation, when she wasn't as aware as she is now. I connected with that incarnation of hers since I was at that right level of awareness, unlike now where I'm higher.

Then oddly a female bird like being walked through the room.  She was diffidently not of the bird of prey type.  For some reason my intuition said secretary.  I think her legs bent the other way then human legs and she wasn't humanoid but very much like a large bird.

For some reason the female bird paused and looked at me saying she found me attractive also, then she continued walking out of the room.

I asked the female carian as the female carian if she was a secretary and she said she's the equivalent to something like that, to use an earth term.

I asked and they said I do have other lovers, including some planetary beings that I have a friends, close friends, and lovers, like Gaia.  They mentioned an aquatic one that is often in the form of a leviathan, a large whale type being (think I met her or hir before) a reptilian one (think maybe I met that one before, not sure), then one of them mentioned an avian one.  I feel maybe a dinosaur one maybe.

Then the 2 of them said a certain livestream that I watch was going to start soon so I should get up soon.  I had around 10 minutes or a bit under before it started.


Gaia: hello again darling.  you're doing great. don't try to much to fast, take it all 1 bit at a time at a nice easy pace and you'll do great.

Me: thanks.  so, I guess you are not the only planetary being I know, there being an aquatic, and I think reptilian one?

Gaia: yes, and an avian one, like they said, also an insect & dinosaur one, for some examples. But which ones are friends or lovers, I'll leave that to a surprise, and you may know more then just those and myself.  maybe a few of certain types sexy.  as I said sexy you are active on more then 1 level, on a planetary and a higher level too, mmmm, just how I like it.  Also more interesting then being active on just 1 level.  but some beings love being on 1 level.  we like being active on more then 1 level of being.  means more interesting types of sex too, on different levels of being.

But you go have fun watching your stream, we'll talk next time, we have lots of time.


Then after a while she said that, and no idea if she was kidding or serious, that there is an insect planetary being that sees me as one of her mates.  

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