Saturday, December 5, 2015

7 & 8d beings [Saturday 12-5]

Friday Night: I do wonder how long this incarnation will last.  Though that is up to my true full self. I am looking forward to what things will be like once I do return to my home and can start doing the normal things again, though this me won't incarnate again, no desire to at all.  Though I'd guess my full true self likes the unique experiences here, though since I'm stuck here for now, though i can talk to others, the ones who's turn it is to be here for me to talk to, that is a big something. 

I do hope that the gateway experience does help with me being a better channel, more clear, more of my true self, and maybe to project my consciousness under control instead of it happening at random, though I do enjoy when it does happen, though unfortunately it happens at random.  but at least it does happen, so that is a plus.


me: So, I've been told that this human body has non human genes.  I was wondering if I could get some more information on that just for curiosity's sake.  Think maybe a mix of beings, another of my multi dimensional selves answered and maybe others, not sure of who or what.

? : indeed, since your energy is so alien to the earth even though you were part of the first wave, phase or whatever you wish to call them.  With earlier experience it's been discovered that the in uterine insertion of non human dna is necessary for the incarnation to properly happen. In your case it was quite a mix of genetics.  Though it wasn't just the 2 strands, but if you add in etherically and such then it is actually 12 strands, and perhaps more.  The method it is accomplished is as yet unknown to the earth scientists at present though more recently a select few do have the means to detect this.

but your genetics are quite a mix, to match the energies you have been.  Insect, is some, mantid and another species or 2, quite a lot of reptilian, royal naga, royal alpha draconian, both with a positiveness to them, some snake, for more compatibility with earth and non earth reptilian, some other non reptilian, royal carian and a bit of avian, again to help bridge the non capabilities gap, if any.  no harm done and better to be safe, as one would say.  It's like if your pc really only needs say 3gig for everything you want to do, but if you max out its ram with 6 gig, it does no harm at all. 

Again your dna is reptilian quite a lot really, considerable some would say.  a bit of monkey and ape, just a drop really.  more to help with the project of helping the earth collective since non earth sentient ape and monkey DNA will add some of their energies into the human collective, well not add but expose it which will help with the shift more easily, not really for your benefit but it has some. 

The combination of these, the shift, various energies & frequencies reaching the earth at present all combines to unfortunately have you experiencing the various things that you are, your eyes being overly sensitive to the light, cold, sound, currently with the new frequencies, non natural fibers touching your skin, certain fluids and such used in daily life.  and so forth.

Now some may wonder why the so called negative reptilians didn't do anything, well calling them negative is not really a proper way to look at it.  a better way is very self centered.  For an idea take a look at most of human politics from all over the world stretching back  from the present time all the way back to when the guy with the biggest club or could out bully the others became temporary leader.  and that'll give you an idea of how some of the so called negative reptilians act and think and a glimpse of how their politics work. 

Some species do see any being not at least of their dimension as  not really sentient, the way some whites did and still see those with different colored skin as not being really human, but sub human, not civilized, and those of another culture would be seen also. 

now some like you had and have an energy or energy frequencies they do not like being around, you are royal reptilian, both of naga and alpha draconian, matters not if it's positive or not.  so the commoners wouldn't do anything against you and you are not there to challenge them nor their power directly. but also being what we did to help ensure you can successfully incarnate there, makes you technically a royal project so again outside the common influence due to the caste system many live within, not to unlike the one India had , and some other countries in the past and present.  and since you, we, are royalty we're still 'family' though some of the non positive reptilians and draconians may not like what we are doing we're not directly challenging them so again they won't do anything but grumble a bit, and move on.  also some have been brought to a more neutral way of thinking. and some so called negative types are not really negative but fulfilling roles agreed to by those before they incarnated on the earth and for other reasons that do serve the light, though it may not look like it from the viewpoint of those incarnated on the earth at present but only to those who can take a step or a few back and take a look at the whole picture since some forget to look at the whole picture, if they can conceive or see the whole picture that is.

You are active across many dimensions, timelines and so forth, as well as being, at least in part, outside time & space as it's known.  as well as being from the angelic realms of the seraphim type. 

also much of the actions of the negative types have been heavily blown out of proportion, distorted, and so on, so are not very accurate in many cases.

me: pardon my asking but who are you?

8th dimensional sibling: I'm the 8th dimensional being who's spoken to you on a former day.  we're parts of the same soul family, we're like, brothers to put it into the closest earth equivalent that I can.  You could say this is the lowest part of me, so to speak. it gets a bit complicated but that is the simplest way to put it. 

also, forgot to mention earlier, but since you are also carian royalty and have royal carian genes, that adds to the reasons why you're untouched and others in a similar situation.  Meant to say that earlier but there was so much I wanted to say it slipped through without my saying it. 

Me: it's' ok, wanted to say a lot and have to organize it to send it?

8th dimensional sibling: indeed.  I could send everything at once like some beings & entities do, but I prefer to organize things mentally, so to speak, and send what I want to say at around the same speed as your typing speed rather then the poof method others do.  The poof method is much much easier to do and is how we normally communicate here, on this side, those of us who are primarily or only telepathic such as the 2 of us.  I prefer to do it more like I said since it is also not so easy to do and gives me a new experience and some experience of how you live day to day and at least a touch of some of the conditions you live within so I can understand a bit better. It's a new thing for me to communicate in this way.  the lower day say in astral city type place it's much more like verbal, it feels and sounds fully verbal to those who dwell there, but as you move up, so to speak, but moving up is not the right term, but as you ascend, expand, ect communicating becomes more and more telepathic till it's only telepathic though some do like to speak verbally due to old patterning, habits, tradition, ect.

We do prefer working on the larger overall picture rather then 1 on 1 that some prefer. a balance is the best way that it's done, some doing 1 of the other, and some do a bit of both.  we prefer the overall larger picture ourselves, which is fine.

Now as to how life in a collective is, it is not said in the right way, not quite.  Many say that you loose all individuality, and it is not quite right.  What more like happens is you become aware that you are part of a collective and have always been so, just that you have not been aware of it before. But you also keep your individuality. One can say quite accurately your sense of individuality grows as one becomes more aware of being part of a collective.  one is the collective but also an individual as well, both at the same time, though these words do not really carry the true meaning what I wish to say they are the closest I am able to do using this language at present.

Also one does not work towards union with source since we are all source.  What one does is becomes more aware of themselves and others as other selves.  The saying that you return to source or god at death is in most cases one awakening to your true being as part of a multi dimensional being, which is becoming fully aware of oneself as part of source since this is largely blocked on earth, done so along with the veil since many choose that, when the earth system was being constructed long ago, by the earth time table. Though it had certain flaws, that is being fixed, and replaced with the true system one can say, but this can only be done at a certain speed for what you could call psychological health as well as the at present human body can only change up upgrade, whatever you wish to call it, at a certain rate, as well as how ready the individual's readiness and willingness is also a part of this. Though for those unwilling or not ready there is already an alternative in place for them. 

the planet and collective continues to, one could say, move up through the octaves, dimensions, densities, bit by bit. The collective moves at a certain rate in most cases, though individuals can move far faster or slower, as their choice and readiness dictates. So everything goes at the perfect speed for each individual.

While you are from the angelic realms and are active across a wide area, you normally don't go anywhere near 3d.  4d you communicate to and rarely visit except to help certain individuals, like certain raptors.  now some of them are in 4d on earth since they are helping earth in various ways using their own methods, and helping with the shift as well.  Some of them and their ancestors did indeed evolve, to use the term, on earth.  They went through their own quarantine as the human collective has till most recently.  Some of them choose to evolve and went to less dense levels of being, and some choose to go elsewhere to other options.  So not all of the raptors who are 4d are native to 4d. some are from other earth sources, worlds, and came to help while some are native to the earth since the earth has been home to more then just 1 native sentient species.  Though as is shown in the raptor case the collective of a race and individuals too of course can evolve faster then the world itself is, though this may surprise some. There are many alternatives for them.  Earth's growth and ascension is more complicated but we can discuss that another time.  The shift is going well indeed and progressing at it's own pace, as has been mentioned before, and each person's progress is individual, with some going to go to another option when their current incarnation ends.

Me: I guess up in the 8th dimension you know about genetics pretty well?

8d sibling: well actually we don't do any tech here since it's all poof this and poof that pretty much.  I just asked some positive alpha draconians and others how it worked so I could tell you the very rough basics. 

Which is one of the reasons earth feels so limiting to you.  you're use to not just poof you have this and poof you have that but also poof you can be here and poof there and you can be a sirius dolphin in form, a royal naga or whatever and also be when you want to be also.  totally non linear.


either before my nap or after I awoke from my nap I had to short conversations. Don't recall which it was but the time doesn't matter.

me: so can you try to describe the nature of our relationship?

8d sibling: it is difficult to do in English.  The closest is that we are like brothers at the soul or central core of our being.  Our true selves, core selves.  Brothers is the closest I can explain in English.  and being that I"m 8th dimension you can say I'm the lowest part of myself, the lowest facet.  most of us, part of us, dwells outside time & space where time has no real meaning.  We can do do journey there and can remain there as long or short as we wish.  We are and can be active across multiple, across many dimensions, one could say all or many dimensions and or timelines.  about the easiest I can explain at present in English.


later I felt like a female energy that had a slight avian feel to it,   felt a lot like the female royal carian, but not exactly.

female avian: hello, you can say I'm the7th dimension self of the 6th dimension royal female carian you talked with earlier.  she's one of my current incarnations since I incarnate in the 6th dimension when I do.  We are indeed lovers as she said, and you have others also, a certain female royal naga, alpha draconian, and others I could name. Gaia is just one of the most recent, perhaps the most recent.  We do all love each other and get along, though some of us do not really talk or do things together much since some of us travel in very different circles and may have just you in common.  as you know & have been told you are active across a variety of levels of being and dimensions, though some may say both are the same, some can say they are very different.  the truth is somewhere in-between since there are levels of being and one can divide them up into dimension but there are still levels of being within the  dimensions. Like planetary, individual, galactic, and so on.  just a basic thing now, no need for details at this point.

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