Sunday, November 8, 2015

Higher me (sunday 11-8]

Feel like the message is from me.  I guess more of my full self, higher self or something. 

other me: Greetings.  As you can tell, we've been getting some information from a variety of sources.  Some more of the information you were told, some you remembered by accessing our memories, some our intuition was the source. some you came across through a variety of ways, seeing channeled sessions like today, and such.

me: I guess there is no conflict in that I'm from the angelic realms, not sure what the member of the angelic space & party means.  But I guess means being an earth angel is an angelic being who is is here to help the earth and the human collective? 

other me: indeed, that is what it means.  and there is no real conflict.  it can all be true, as you said.
me: So I can be from the angelic realms, but also be like the royal cobra type naga said, be from multi dimensional genetics, a unicorn, Sirius cetacean, a royal cobra type naga, royal positive alpha draconian, carian of an ancient royal lineage? Since being a planetary being or an angelic being are different levels of being?

other me: indeed that is true and it can all be true.  Since as you said elsewhere, angels are not 1 set species and can be any number of species, as well as non species really.  They are a level of being.  Not better then a planetary level of being or an individual who incarnates on this or that world.  Those could be from previous incarnations as well as what we were and what we inherited from our 'parents'.  You do recall you were told before you've ascended past being specific species.  The collective we are a member of are of like minded angelic beings, and others, who we counted as our family, friends, very close lovers.  We do various things, some of which you can guess and yes, being an angelic being is a level of being.  Though not higher then other levels of beings.  it is the level that suits us perfectly since we ascended to that level and really enjoy it.  We are active across a number of levels.  We are among those who travel out to be active in various realms across various dimensions, planes, realms and levels of being.  Though we do go back and spend considerable amounts of time at home too.  Time being relative and non linear to us we can do any of this and the time it takes does not matter.  We are continuing to grow and learn.  as you know intuitively growing and learning never stops. Some may thing that the end goal is returning to source, but that is often those like humans who can't really conceive their non physical existence going on literally forever.  Which it does. Though some do merge their expression of self fully into source.  most do not do this.  What some of this comes from is their thinking returning to source once the human expression of being is over is really their returning to their true self, choosing to merge back into it. Just that they do not fully comprehend what is going on at their present level of being.  Though this will slowly change at levels that they are perfectly suited to as for as speed and degree of learning. 

if you go looking for information just go with what feels right for you, or you can not do that and rely on your intuition and other internal sources, or a mix of these.  Basically you've been told what we do.  Primarily going out to help other worlds going through a shift or about to.  We are often one of the first on, like wave 1, and often may or may not stay for the entire shift.  With earth we're undecided.  We may remain on this, well the other side to help since we're not really needed to incarnate after this one is over and really incarnating doesn't interest us as much as it use to.  one of the perks, well makes sense really, is through doing this we do count some planetary beings and other such beings among our friends, lovers, and such. 

SO yes angels are not just 1 species though some may think they are. It is a certain level of being.  Like Gaia is, a different level of being then someone incarnated as a human not higher but another level of being.  That is the more correct way to think of it.  There are the angelic realms where we do have our home and do spend a great deal of time there.  Though some may just say that is another series of dimensions, say dimensions above x are the angelic realms.  but really it is another level of being. hard to describe in English.  But that is close enough.  So do spend a great deal of time there, but also outside the angelic realms. and the angelic realms are very varied, as varied as any other level of being realm is. 

Things will become more clear over time.  Just stick with what you are doing and rely on your intuition instead of just following what others may say since things are more varied and can be seen as more complex then what some on earth may suspect.  Since for explaining in a 3d language certain things are left out and translating experiences to a 3d mind can also leave things out, some things can be varied or explained and understood. 

There are many beings on many levels of being doing various things and it is not unusual for some to travel to various levels of being doing this or that or a number of things.  Even sometimes just visiting to have a good time or a bit of fun. 


We have experienced various things, incarnations, as multi dimensional beings.  Some of these you have seen flashes of.  some we have inherited form other experiences.  We are angels indeed.  The exact type matters not since it's not like this type of angel is higher then that one.  it's about focus or personal choice, what do you want to do. 

Also some focus to much on I'm a star seed.  I'm an otherkin ect.  When actually the exact details may be they are a mix of these an other things.  say an unicorn who lives on a world of the Sirius system, or a merperson who does, they would be both otherkin and a starseed in that case.

me: and the way I'm from the angelic realms but also being the other species mentioned before.

other me: indeed, we are an example of being more then 1 thing. Things are not so easily labeled as some earth people thing.  They can get quite complicated if one really looks into it.  but this is a good time put a stop to this message for now.  I'm sure we'll talk again next time, as well as others you may talk with.  you're doing great.  You don't need to be perfect.  Remember to do that and the gateway experience as well as maybe some light body stuff later on if you feel drawn to.  Soon you'll be fully here so don't sweat the small stuff to much ok?  if you can. 

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