Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Wedensday 11-25

I recall the latter part of a dream I had.  From what I recall I was in a house and knew the folks there. There was someone I knew who's house it was I think.  The person was a trance full body channeler it seems since he could do not only do a trance channel where the person would be sitting but he could walk around while channeling the being.  It seems he did both conscious and full body trance channeling and maybe also did one where he partially or fully merged with the other being.

The dream was 1st person and the me in the dream found out he was a starseed.  Then the me in the dream felt very odd, like I was briefly in 2 places or like I was being pulled or teleported somewhere.  Felt like I was mostly somewhere else then poof I was fully back in my body again.  Then it seems there was a timejump and I was at something like a cafe that had seating near a sidewalk.  The guy walked up or appeared, I'm not sure which.  He came up and said the beings who were my star parents were sorry since they tried to bring me home and everything was in balance but it didn't work.  I said to him that they could try again and he said they would. They were not sure when they could but they would.

No idea what the dream means, or maybe is just a gibberish thing.


I do think that the you can manifest what you want is true, but what has to be taken into account is what your true self wants, planned, wants to experience, and maybe soul contract is also.  So say in my case it could be that if it's true that my true self normally doesn't go anywhere near this level of density.  Maybe it wanted to experience certain things so I may be able to ask it for stuff and may eventually manifest certain things, but only within certain limits since it wanted to experience living within limited means, but with some flexibility as to what I can do.  Not sure if this is true or I am getting certain things wrong.  I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually or I"ll know once this incarnation is over.  which I do hope doesn't last for lots of decades, maybe less then a decade. Not that I hate being here, there are fun aspects to being here.  It just feels restrictive and limiting, but I guess I'm helping who knows how many just by being here, with anchoring energies/frequencies and who knows in what other ways.


I did the focus 12 for the 2nd time in 2 days and it went a bit better.  I was very relaxed and for a bit I do think I lost the feeling and awareness of my body, but just for a moment or a short bit, but that is something.  For most of it I wasn't really aware of my body that much except for breathing.  I also got some flashes of memory I think that showed I knew or know some avian type species, as well as anthro biped gryphon and non anthro quadruped gryphons, of both genders.  The feel is perhaps carian and gryphon, with both the biped and quadruped being 2 types of gryphons.  I feel I know some among these species of both genders.  I also felt more expanded then I normally am. 


I tried the focus 12 after my nap without listening to the audio since I didn't have the time to listen to the audio.  it went well I thought.  I was very relaxed & felt more expanded then just my physical body.

I also remembered I had a brief time earlier today where I think after doing focus 12, a bit later I had seen myself as having avian feet, like a bird of prey type at least from the knees down scaled bird type legs. 

Then I remembered I have been a carian I think the race was.  I was a royal male carian who was an angel who had incarnated to do something.  I had a specific mission in mind.  That much I remembered, but what the mission was I'm not sure since I didn't recall it now, though I knew it then. I did recall I was from the angelic realm or realms and the mission was one that was galactic to some extent or would effect things on a galactic level, at least to some extent, but don't recall the details of any of this.  As I recall it wasn't a huge obvious mission, more like what I'll be doing will effect things on a galactic level, starting out small and growing more over time.  as I think I recall.


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