Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Tues 11-03

Using the new hemi-sync cd I got and ripped to flac so I can listen to it on my tablet while sleeping worked great.  Had to delete the guided meditation I had in the same folder since the app kept wanting to play both audio files 1 after the other so at first I kept waking up sometime when it was in the guided meditation.  Couldn't figure out how to get it to play only Sleeping through the rain so I deleted the other one.  Sleeping Through The Rain worked great.  I slept overall about5 hours or 5.5 hours across 6 hours from around 12:30 to around 6:30.  I took off about 30 minutes since I did keep waking up but I could go right back to sleep using the Sleeping Through the Rain and be asleep within a minute or 2 at most in my estimation.


I did have a few dreams that I recall parts or all of.  The 2 reptilian beings I could feel love coming from them as I was awake during one of my waking up times.  I do recall talking to them during 1 or more of the dream bits I recall.

I recall they talked about we do help worlds going through a shift, usually higher less dense.  I guess they mean like shifting 4-5th dimension or 5th to 6th, for example.  We normally don't go anywhere near this level of density where the earth is at present.  Though I'm of 2 royal lineages  and they do have special permission to have created me and they are master geneticists and can do this.  It's sort of expected that I will have offspring, children, create new beings with both species, but there is no hurry since we're immortal and not of a limited lifespan like earth human vehicles, though for earth humans that'll change since they'll stop using their vehicles that are their current bodies at present. 

It'll be true love that'll decide who I end up having offspring or creating new beings with, not me being assigned to breed with this individual.  Both species will benefit from my doing this but again no hurry, let true love decide which of the other royals of both species I have true love for and will create new beings with.  Also creating new beings, offspring, whatever you wish to term it is not like on earth.  With them the way it is is for example let's say a naga royal and I create an offspring together, the offspring wishes to be a healer but let's say neither of us is a healer so they'll go off to be with a healer to study under them just as in the future a younger naga I'm not related to at all may come to me to be a guide to them and learn from me.  and they did say I'm more of a mystic sort, to use earth type labeling.  Though we all do what we want really.

My guide type popped up saying he's not been around as much since though I can call on him for help I'm more indipendant and my learning from the gateway and hemi-sync and some light body stuff, picking out what interests me, is a great idea, but that means he doesn't need to be around as much, but I can call on him for help, advice ect.  and he still looked like an biped reptilian, no idea on the race of his or my biped reptilian parent. who I do recall has wings on his or her back, though not sure of the genders of my parents, but I guess it doesn't matter. 

I think either they (1 or both of my true self's parents) or the guide mentioned that sex is much more open and not like it is on earth.  What some may see as 'sex' is sharing love, & pleasure in a fun sensual pleasurable way which is normal and natural, not the way it is seen on the earth.  and it is normal for some beings who care for each other to share with each other in this manner.


Also had another dream I vaguely recall that my grandmother, the one who raised me and died when I was about 17. Don't recall much but her being in my apartment saying positive stuff, how we really use to have some fun together.  Good times then.  I'm doing well and what they are saying (she meant the 2 reptilian parents of my true being) are saying is true. 


I did the advanced focus 10 audio for the 1st time today and not a lot to report this time.  It was relaxing.  Think I got down deeper in my relaxation the 2nd time I was taken down.  Wasn't surprised this time when he brought me out of being at the focus 10.  No real experiences and my mind did wonder, but that is ok.  I would guess being very relaxed is the main point of this exercise.  So all in all not a bad experience.  it was relaxing being at focus 10 and i guess that is the main point of the exercise so in that it did succeed.  I did feel my REBAL which like yesterday did feel very strong and fully formed. 

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