I had some dreams last night. I don't remember most of them. I'm sure I had 3. 1 of them I recall was a typical makes no sense. Though I do recall 1 of the dreams, at least in part.
I was with a group of folks, talking to 1 primarily. Not sure if this is my true family, senior guides i have, friends, or what but I do recall we were talking and part of it I think was asking what I thought of incarnating on the earth or something like that. and I said while it did have it's fun aspects, and I did have fun and enjoyed it at times, due to the sense of separation everyone has there it could be better, but it was improving. Also I don't think I'll be incarnating anymore, not that I hate the earth or dislike it, or the idea of incarnating, just feels like this me doesn't have any more interest in incarnating, like I've been there done that. While I can see the appeal it has for some, but for me while it would have some fun aspects, there are annoyances, and the limitations imposed are ones that I just wouldn't find fun so no, I do feel this is the last time that this me will incarnate. The other parts of my multi dimensional selves may have 1 or more the enjoy incarnating.
I did the freefocus 10. it was relaxing again. The Sirius dolphin and I had a conversation. Some of it was about the same as before. The stuff he mentioned, though I'll list it maybe not fully in order.
Though I'm from more then the 6th dimension, the local matrix only supports up to a certain amount of my being and awareness, the matrix locally here being of the 3rd dimensional matrix, but that is changing as it is being phased out. Phased out wasn't the concept he sent me since there is no word for that but that is the closest English term. He sent me an image also of like a disconnected web type structure only slightly connected and it is being reconnected and is very complicated, with more then quintillions of connections that will be brought fully online, bit by bit at a proper speed. I'll have more access to more of my being, memories and such over time. Once this incarnation ends I'll have all of it.
What happened to me at 12 when I fell on my head from I forgot the distance, i feel either 12 or 15 feet on my head. he said what happened was I became aware of the matrix or the hologram though while still being within it, though still being unable to fully access my full being and senses and such.
It is not unusual for me to feel like I do not want to incarnate after this. it is not unusual for some parts of a multi dimensional being to decide it does not wish to incarnate anymore once a present incarnation ends. In turn I may decide to become my own multi dimensional being, not really separate from my real being, He sent me a mental data thing of what he meant and it is hard to explain in English. The closest I can is I can become a multi dimensional entity in my own right, while remaining a part of the true self I'm a part of now, as it is a part of another multi dimensional being, though also being an individual as I am. hard to explain but that is the closest that I can, and this stretches back to what some call Source, The One, All that is, and other names.
He also said that my ties to Sirius run very deep and due to that I'm known to all the pods of the Sirius systems and am welcome to visit and be among them. There are some who are incarnated there and some who come and go and visit and I'll likely be one of those who come and go, visiting and remaining for various periods of time. There are some other selves of me who visit some Sirius pods, and other worlds as well.
I've incarnated across more then Sirius, many other worlds, places, times, though I've incarnated often on Sirius in the past as a variety of races, often dolphin, but not always so.
he again did mention I'm from the high angelic realms, and yes as my intuition says the rank structure of earth is not that this type of angel is higher then another, all of us are equal, it's just that what you really want to do determines what type you choose to be and are. Like I really prefer working on helping a world, planetary being and race collective as a whole, instead of the individual as some others do, like various healers, and other types.
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