Wednesday, October 7, 2015

130 Hi-Me, Karinus [Wed 10-7]

I feel Karinus and maybe my full self is here for me to talk to.

Me: So when I'm a point of consciousness what is my color really?

Hi-me : A very very dark violet, with some ultraviolet mixed in.  it can look like a very dark blue.  basically I am an aspect of your true self just as you are, think of me as the highest aspect or reflection of your true self that you can reach at this time. Back to your colors, you can't see the full color being incarnated on the earth since some of the frequencies you can't see.  But as I said yes it is very very dark violet with ultraviolet frequencies mixed in and bits beyond that, since you are doing very well, very very well, and every day you touch more of your higher self, think of it as you are awakening to more and more of our true self. 

<and here he hugged me close and I could feel the waves of love and sexual attraction.  I couldn't make out his species, maybe it as an indistinct anthro.>

and like the other ones, if you are willing, I'm quite willing to be deep lovers with you.  Since we do enjoy being lovers with ourselves.  very enjoyable, as well as the other benefits.

Me: mmm, yes, I'm most certainly willing.

Karinus: cool dude, you don't know the benefits to accepting that.  Though as you've been told, the relationship you have with yourself is the basis of relationships with everyone else and other things too.

Hi-me: and believe us, we are most assuredly sexual beings, sexual from the way we see it , not the earth humans.

me: you mean sharing energy, one's own being, pleasures, sensual pleasures?

hi-me: and more, much more.

<here I felt the hi-me as I'll call him hug me close and kiss me, the body, 4th density, whatever it is.  Very pleasurable it was.>

me: wow, is that a taste of what it'll be like once I'm fully over there?   and I guess Karinus and I can reach perfect resonance as well as some others?

Hi-me: Indeed, the more you share with those you are in close or deep resonance with the deeper and closer it will become.  if all the necessary elements are there, then yes you can reach perfect resonance, if all those involved are willing. if you and they are willing you can reach it among those you know, Karinus here, Gaia, V, naga, leviathan.  perhaps MoonDancer, if she's willing, though that may take longer.  Maribelle is a special case, she's more of the friend, soulmate type.  Hard to describe. But you do have close relationships with many, of which you've met some over the recent past.

<here Karinus hugged me close, my 4th density body or whatever it is and I got a close look at it's anthro shark head.

Karinus: I assure you that I'm more then willing for our resonance to as deep as it can.  V assured me he is also, well he, she, V changes gender and can be both.  The others are willing to go deep.  I've not asked how deep.  And there are others too. 

me: wow, that was a pleasurable hug, or whatever you did.

Karinus: an energy equivalent of a hug and kiss.  a taste of how we hug and kiss here, like your other you did.  think You'll label him as Hi-me. 

me: indeed, only name I can think of.  I guess this is more proof that we are sexual beings. I mean us here, the others like V, Naga, Gaia, and some others like MoonDancer.

Karinus: indeed, some are less so.  Those you will be more like a close friend, closer then a friend, hard to pick a label.

me: and I like being intimate with myself/

<here I felt Hi-me do an energy thing that was like a very close erotic hug and a very deep kiss, very ver pleasurable.

Hi-Me: I assure you, we LOVE to be intimate with ourselves, very intimate.

me: mmm, very pleasurable, and I do agree to being as intimate as we can be, though I don't want to end up permanently merging.  I'd like to remain me, but be as aware as our true self or as much as I can.

Hi-me: all that is more the possible I assure you.  We can be as intimate as few others can be, but you'll not loose yourself, but become more yourself.  Though we'll not merge.  We, love you being yourself to much for that.  and though you've not made the choice yet from your point of view, we do know how you'll pick when the time comes.

Me: and thanks. I look forward to that.  Though I don't hate being here. there are fun aspects to being incarnated on the earth & overall I'm neutral, but I do greatly wish I was there where you are.

Hi-me: it'll happen soon, very soon, but can't happen today. but will very soon.  Certain things must be taken care of first.  But i do promise soon, very soon.  you'll be here among us my love and we can get as intimate as we can, as often as we can.  and you can have such fun with others too. 

Karinus:  we all look forward to it dude.  And also other types of fun too.

Hi-me: indeed, there are many types of fun we can have together and that you can have with many others here.  Many others are waiting for you to be here among us fully. and I do promise the changes won't be as dramatic as they have been before, my love. 

Karinus: yea dude, totally radical you are here among the Planetary, star, and galactic beings. Not that you have to be one of them to be here. 

Me: So Gaia is at this level?

Karinus: yes, the lower sections of this level, being a younger world, but yes.  She's pretty busy at the moment.

Hi-Me: I will say that if you are willing to continue your relationship with Gaia when you are on this side, it'll have some... positive benefits for her.  And we have relationships with other worlds, planetary beings.  if you are willing they and others are willing to have similar relationships with you, and other beings also.
me: Sure I'm willing.  Sounds like fun and I'm sure we can have all sorts of fun, intimate & sex, as well as other types of fun and we can learn from each other. as well as some other me's, or other us's I should say.

Hi-me: excellent, and more of us. as I said we LOVE being intimate with ourselves.  Since you have that attitude and made it known, I'm sure more of us will be along before you're over here & some after.  We can have all sorts of fun besides intimate and sex.  And learn together also.  Like we can with others who are not us.

Me: sure, I think it would be great having relationships with other me's, us's, and I'm open to others, including other planetary beings you mentioned we are in relationships with, as well as others I resonate with.  Fun fur all of us, and we can learn from each other too.

Hi-me: very true and good that you see it that way.  That is how we see it here, how it really is. its about, what is fun to you, excites you, what do you really want to do.

Karinus; radical, you'll have more friends and lovers too, radical excellence.

<and Karinus gave me a smile and a thumbs up too.>

Hi-me; and there are others for you to meet also.  The others of us, planetary beings, and others you've not met as of yet. 

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