Tuesday, October 20, 2015

165 Male Dolphin Me [Tues 10-20]

Me:   I think I recall some of how soul groups, soul families work.  What some earth humans call twin flames, one can be in more then 1.  Soul families & groups can be based on who you're in a relationship with, especially a deep one, also some of those who have the same being or beings who created them.

Like a and b could be twin flames with each other but also with a with c and d, b with e and f.  So that could be the same soul group or family, even though b is not a twin flame or very deep resonance with c or d. 

Also to add to the complexity of multi dimensional selves,  a3 may be lovers and very deep relationship and deep resonance with c3, and d6. 

B2 with e5 and f5, and with b5 as well.  b4 could be with c5.  b4 with b6 and 7.

male dolphin: indeed.  and say of A5 and G4 are lovers they can, over time grow in resonance till they join the family.  also say G may be in A's soul family but also in another one since they may reach very deep resonance with L's soul family too.  It grows and changes over time.  Some may leave and other join it, some will remain for eternity. 

Also those that reach a very deep resonance or even perfect resonance can join in to be the same being, but each can be separate personalities.  so 1 being, since they have the same resonance, but separate personalities at the same time.  Like you and Sara.  Not the same relationship that we are in since we are the same being.  you and Sara, well actually us and Sara reached the same resonance, perfect match.  We are the same multidimensional being, you and me, but Sara and us are the same resonance being, though she has her own personality.  You and we can reach the same perfect resonance with others and we have. Though all this is a more complicated concept for many on earth at this moment in time. 

Also you could be separate from our same multidimensional being and go your own way, either immediately or it can happen over time. 

Some relationships we are in do wish to be in a relationship with you as well as they are with some of us, and some like Gaia wish to be in one with you, and the rest of us are extras.  Some relationships are permanent, some may fade after a time, others may come and go, ebb and flow, wax and wane, over time. 

Though yes if 2, say you and Gaia, remain in your passionate relationship, the 2 of you will grow in closer and closer resonance and indeed you and Gaia may one day reach perfect resonance in your relationship.  There are some beings you've met who are well on the way to that and are ok if it happens. 

me: I see, so like A2 & b5 may have that happen then?

male dolphin me: indeed.  Though we are the same multi dimensional being, we can deepen our resonance and relationship too, as unusual as that may sound. 

But indeed you may be in very deep relationships with other beings and us also.  We can have our resonance grow closer, deeper though we are 2 different beings of the same multi dimensional beings.  You and say Gaia can reach that one day also, matching resonance.

me: what of C, feels like hers is pretty close to matching ours and Levi and certain others.

Male dolphin me: indeed, she, sometimes a male, is in a relationship with more then 1 of us and our resonances to match.  Levi also, though it doesn't match as much as C's does at present that is changing.  the reptile being that is at the same level as our full self is is also.  So relationships between beings can get pretty complicated indeed, between the different beings as well as the separate selves that make up the same multi dimensional selves, each of those selves with each other and with other beings.  it can get quite complicated indeed but I think we've discussed it enough so you understand it.

me: indeed I do believe I do.  It does feel pretty complicated for the level most beings of earth are at. 

male dolphin: indeed it is, but you, we, are not at their level.  We are one of those incarnated on earth who's above, well above, the averate level of the native earth souls & beings, and many of the non native earth beings who are incarnated on the earth. 

There are some who do wish to deepen their relationships with you. Like me for one, others, Gaia of course, C, and the others you've met, some you have not.  We, and you, are in actuality in relationships with some planetary, solar (sun), beings, and some like galactic beings, you'll meet most of them later. You have met 1, the reptilian being, and one of it's selves, the snake being who has aspects and selves who are a planetary being and a sun being. 

You'll learn even more of those over time and especially when you are here, Some do indeed wish to be in a relationship with you. 

Feel free to post this, then we talk later on tonight.

Me: thanks.  makes me even more excited about being on the other side. 
male dolphin me: indeed, since this is your true home and state of being, not being incarnated, especially on a place as dense as the earth, we normally don't go anywhere near where densities like where the earth is.

male Dolphin Me: you are not long there supposed to be.  You are supposed to be soon on this level, though as to when I can't say at the moment.  Won't be able to be until maybe when it's within a day or after though if we told you its within a day it may mess up things so even then we'd not say.  I do wish we could say since  you are not supposed to be there for long after phase 2 gets under way, believe me multiple of us are checking and looking into that to be sure everything goes smoothly in regard to that.

me: thanks, though I don't hate being incarnated here, I greatly prefer being on the other side since that feels more like were I belong rather then being incarnated here.  But I'll stop here and post and take a break.  talk to you later tonight.

male dolphin me: indeed.

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