Wednesday, October 14, 2015

153 journal Snake Being & Angelic being [wed 10-14]

Tuesday afternoon: I did the meditation for the 2nd time today and I picked a 2nd thing I wanted. The meditation went like before and was great overeall. I could feel the solar light going into my physical body, the very atoms, emotional, mental body and the multi dimensional attatchment my mental body had with the universal mind. I coudl also feel the thing I wanted to menifest as a shape, at first indistinct then a diffident shape, but flowing between 4 shapes since it seemed able to change to any of these 4 shapes. I filled it with the solar light then brought it into my mental body, emotional body, and physical, doing the steps Orin described. It did feel like it went very well and overall was a good to great meditation.


Wedensday: I did the 8th and last solar radiance guided meditation for the 1st time today as part of the 2nd pass as I call it and it went great. Though I don't feel fully awake yet, with my sleeping pattern being all mixed up. I could feel the solar radiance all around me and entering into my physical body as before, though Orin didn't mention it I felt the need and while she/he talked I visualized it entering into my emotional and then mental bodies, clearning, filling them with solar radiance light to energize, cleanse, upgrade them.

The solar light cocoon I visialized it all all around me and the size of the earth's solar system and then the solar light filling my solar cocoon fully up and with more energy coming into it then, expanding it and adding to it's and my radiance. Not sure of the bit about it opening like a flower of light and me coming forth briefly into some realm that seemed super overly bright to me then going back up, but I did that, adding some bits based on Orin's description. Then it felt like I could feel 3 sets of wings on my back. the top set were some sort of solar wings made of what looks like in my mind's eye like wings made of solar light. a 2nd set like angel type wings that are glowing with a bright white brilliance and a 3rd set that to my mind's eye are indistinct since they are like a bunch of sets of wings of different types all at the same place at the same time. dragon wings, angle, maybe solar light, maybe 1 or 2 other types all existing in the same place at the same time, perhaps multi dimensional. and feels like I can feel my unicorn horn also. and not fully awake yet.

overall a great meditation.


Felt like someone wanted to talk during the time I was typing up the previous. I got a sentence. felt like maybe 2 that I've talked to before. Or more like talked to me.

Reptilian being: greetings and welcome to becoming a galactic level type of being. You can say you skipped over from say a planetary to a galactic level, or from in-between a planetary and solar level to a galactic level. It's a bit overly simplistic but is essentially what you've done, an extraordinary thing and you should be congratulated and proud of yourself. 3 sets of wings. Well 2 you have that you can perceive, your 3rd set is, well, let's say it is truly multi dimensional and that is indeed why you find it hard to see when you were doing your mediation, hard to see in your mind's eye since they are in truth multi dimensional wings of the various types you are related to and have frequencies of, dragon, a 2nd set of angel, solar, avian, reptilian, and other types, but no need to go into such details at this time. You'll learn all of that in due time. You are doing great and do not need such overly complex details, especially not at this time. We here prefer the simpler ways of describing and such. there are some that do love complex details. and that is ok and fine for them.

It is unfortunate that your sleep is unstable at present due to certain frequencies that are present on the earth, but may are being effected, and it does have its many positive benefits that will grow with time. and soon in the time scale of such beings and of us here you will have returned to us here, though with the many factors and flux it is not able to say exactly when. Continue on the road you are on and you are continuing to do great and your growth and awakening to your true self is extraordinary and will continue to be so, even on levels you are not yet consciously aware of. I'll go now so another can speak and you can eat and then rest. and remember to continue on your plan and relax, be true to yourself, and you do not need to be perfect, being incarnated on the earth does have certain, things that comes with it but some of those effect you less and less and that lessening increases with time. We'll talk again till now farewell.


angelic being: greetings & welcome, the previous being has indeed said much of what I would have said. you have taken another step in coming into your own and awakened to another level of your true self and true being and of yourself as well. you are to be congratulated and will help yourself and many more on levels you are not at present fully conscious of. congratulations once more from all of us various beings who have noticed your growth and ascension today. you are indeed to be congratulated and are from all of us here, the various beings that you'll come to know better in time. we'll talk more in the future, but bye for now. relax and have fun and be true to yourself, my son.

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