I did the 11th meditation and it all went very well. Just a brief summary since I have little time left. It was about channeling and both my soul and future possible self popped up. The general questions to the answers that Orin posted was mainly to trust myself, have faith in myself, soul. and part of being here would teach me what it's like to have lived in a forced linear existence would add to my wisdom, though I'd not do it again, incarnating in a place like this, nor living in a forced linear existence again. Also I got , with out them saying anything, something about this would help being a guide also. they said the left knee bothering me at times is excess energy that that is where it sometimes may settle and if I move my knee ina rocking motion it may help. Thou gh I may explore other things.
This time running the energies went fantastically. Most of them felt very pleasurable. The channeling part of the guided meditation went very well also. What came this time was my soul aspect and twin flame both merged. They intermingled their energy with mine and it felt very pleasurable, similar to soul type of sex that I've had before, but perhaps not exactly the same. I also got mental images of lots of water, stone and crystal structures, waterways lined with stone and crystal. hard to describe.
Some of the answers to the questions I do recall. basically trusting myself, relaxing, becoming my true self, I also felt that, though they didn't say, believing that everything that happens is for my greater good.
I did try opening the back of my head and got the excess energy that settled in my left knee to go away so it wasn't bothering me. I tested closing it and it came back, when I opened it it went away again. I'll have to remember that.
I also asked why I can't stand being around people, even in an enjoyable enviroment and fun place for to long, and I need to be alone a lot, and it seems to tire me out once I'm home. And I got that though the ability is partially blocked, I'm not consciously aware of it, I can feel the turmoil and unresolved issues and such that everyone has inside them, even what they are not consciously aware of themselves. And I need to be alone to sort of unwind and get rid of this. hard to describe what
[note from 7-25] I had deleted some older channeling since I was going through a depression period and purging some stuff or whatever it was. This morning I got the idea I could copy and paste them to the end of the regular posts of the same day. Simplest way to put the older posts in.
12:32 AM
I decided to try a short channel with both soul & my future possible
self. I did ask my twin flame a question at one point that she popped
in to answer.
Why the strong desire and pull towards home and to be with my twin flame? <That
is quite normal considering where you are at present. and also taking
into account your normal personality. I remember it was quite
repressive, with my abilities blocked, how dense everything is there.
and as you uncover more of your true nature and true self, becoming your
true self. Plus it is not a place we are native to nor that we would
be at a lot. We don't like incarnating in such places really. We
preferred, well most of our soul parents, in lighter dense places. i do
feel like we're among the souls who dislike incarnating. Indeed as I
recall after this incarnation I didn't incarnate anymore at all.
Incarnating is not a thing I like to do. You both have started to
realize it and it'll cement more in the near future. You'll find there
are many options for those who do not wish to incarnate. some of them
you'll enjoy indeed.> as an addidum that I got later on: <it's also a sign that you are not a native earth soul.>
I just hope I'm not here to long. <find some fun
things to do and that time will pass soon enough. The light body
courses are good to take. I'd focus on those and other things and on
the courses at a certain max price since you dont' really need to take
the more expensive ones. They will give you benefits yes, but not worth
the price. Yes I concur. after all you can continue for free once
you're here. but you'll have full access to your soul memories,
knowledge, and so forth so may not need to take many, so to speak.
Besides there are fun alternatives, an infinity of them. We can spend
an infinity of time exploring doing and trying them, then 3 of us. when
we're not 2 or 1 that is. >
So will I choose to become a channeled being? <you
may, I did. When you're here I'll upload my knowledge on how to be
channeled to you if you wish. One of those things we like doing that
some of the more linear souls don't like about us. but we don't all
agree on how to do things. that is why there are so many options and we
are individuals.>
any tips from both of you? <be true to yourself, be your true self. continue as you are doing now. don't doubt, trust.>
I guess twin would agree with that? <yes I certainly do dear.>
So I am higher then I think I am? <we certainly
are more developed then you think or dream. You'll be in for a great
surprise once you're fully here. but we'll save that surprise for when
you're fully here, with some hints here and there.>
<Twin Flame: yes dear, you'll be very surprised indeed.>
<the exact details of this or that non earth
culture and all of your past lives doesn't really matter, as you have
been thinking recently. You'll remember everything here once you're
here. You've been finding yourself what you need to remember the most.
the other stuff is fun stuff that one doesn't really need to remember.>
I asked later on while i was watching a bashar video. So how is time in relation to physical stuff? <Future
possible self I think: Well, the collective time is what one can say
exists in some areas, but there is personal time also. It gets quite
complex really. but basically mass time exists in areas of physicality
and depending on the density it may be more flexible, or less flexible,
like a low density where the earth presently is. I normally live
outside physicality, though I do visit various friends, lovers and
others who choose to live in physicality areas. Some are there a lot or
nearly all the time, some travel into there and out of there similar to
how I do so.
Soul : indeed, though I spend considerably more time
inside this since you are presently where you are. Twin flame prefers
living mainly where the pod lives. Though some pod members, including
her travel to and from areas of physicality. I do feel that once your
present incarnation is over we'll spend time outside physicality. As
for time, I do greatly prefer non linear, as we do, the 3 of us. Once
we are together we'll travel to and from areas of physicality and non
physicality areas, and likely in an non linear matter. Living in a
linear fashion is a drag, a big drag. I'll be glad when it's over for
yea, you and me both.
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