Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thursday [6-11]

I did the 7th meditation of part 5.  Running the energies started off as meh, but got better after a short while.  it started off as meh since Daben started off right away with doing the running the energies, catching me by surprise since I wasn't expecting it since i had gotten use to his talking a short while before he starts running the energies.

The main meditation went ok.  I did feel the pulsing of the Fullonia.  It does seem to pulse faster then my pulse does.  I could keep the 7 centers in my attention, I am pretty sure.  The Fullonia energy felt a bit different when I did this.  I also went through keeping 1 of the light body energy centers in my attention briefly before I went to the next and and it did feel slightly different each time.  In some cases it felt so slight of a difference it was hard for me to tell the difference.

It also felt like while I was running the energies that the heart lb energy center did respond a bit to the throat lb energy center like the 2 are either strongly linked or partially merged.  Though since it feels like my heart lb energy center, Ranthia, is huge, from my lower abdominal area to just below my eyes, it may be that reason also.


While on the bus going to the place the Thursday rp group meets I felt like, as we got a few blocks from where I got off, i felt like I could feel the pure souls of everyone on the bus.  not see anything other then what normal human souls could see, but I could feel what I said before. 

I was reading a book called A Wanderer in the Spirit Lands.  I had stopped reading since I was a few blocks from the stop I get off at.  I could feel the above and Gaia said that the events in the book happened, though those events don't apply to me because I'm such a beautiful soul that We'll have many fun times in the future.  Including after your incarnation is over.  Our love for each other is pure soul love as yours for Maribelle, Spitfire, Nagi, and others.  I can recall what she said to type here since I took notes once I got to the place the Thursday rp group meets and wrote it down. 


I did the 7th meditation for part 5 of awaken the light body.  Running the energies and the mediation itself were kinda meh, nothing huge or interesting. Similar to when I did it earlier this morning.  Though Gaia talked me during part of this.  I assume it was since some instinct told me it was. 

She first called me her cute phin, her sexy phin, then bull phin, then went for a bit of how a certain body part of my spirit/soul body is a bit larger then average and gives a nice stretch.  I'll not go into further detail there. 

I may try to channel her later this evening to see what I get.  She did say some interesting things, like what I'm doing here I've done before.  Like the previous incarnation I was doing basically the same thing as here, not just helping the folks there to ascend through a shift but the planet also.  Also, and she may have been kidding here, mentioned that world and her were talking about some that were coming to earth including me, and the world where the pod is talked to Gaia about guess who's going to your world.  Not sure if she is kidding or being serious. 

I did ask why me, as far as her attraction to me and wanting to be lovers and being open to us being mates and she said at first like before because of who and what I am, I help not just folks through a shift but also worlds too, why wouldn't she like me. also then she went on how hug my spirit form is, and believe me she, as a lady, knows of such things, and that she likes dolphins.  a lady has certain needs and I fit them perfectly.  we do share true soul love, which is what souls are. I did mention she must have millions of lovers and mates, and she said each one is special and unique. 

Then she want and at the end said she could help raise me up to her level of being.  it'll be the fun easy path.  besides the sex, we'll have other fun too.  Besides sharing, lots and lots of sharing, and sex, we'll have other fun also, and we'll both learn a lot.

Not sure if this seems like it could be normal behavior for Gaia or not.  A big surprise.  Not sure what Scarlett or any one makes of it.  I will just do a mental shrug and accept it.  I do feel an inner love for Gaia, at the soul level I think. Always there, though I'm not thinking of it all the time.  Same for Maribelle and the others.  & also another type for all souls.  hard to explain.


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