Saturday, August 29, 2015

70 LUGIA ffeathers briefly [friday 8-28]

I ask who's here and it feels like Feathers.


So do I still have naga or other guards?

Feathers: indeed you do sexy lover.  Though maybe less on duty then before since there is less need due to you're having grown so much, you have a new soul, conditions changing on the earth, though not very apparent at present, as well as really you are not on their radar at all.  No need to go into details of that, any of it really dear, though I do know you are curious. 

Also congrats on your, well 2 of your true soul, well a level other then soul.  I mean congrats on 2 of your true and beyond parents.  The 2 you met are at least 2 of your true parents.  hard to explain.  I'm not to good at explaining.  But they are 2 of your true parents, more then soul parents since you are more then the soul you have at present prince scales.  hehe, I like how that sounds, sorta amusing.  hope yo don't mind.

Me: nah, not really.


so how does this i have a new soul work? 

Here I felt the soul I'm talking to switch.

Feathers: well, my understanding of it honey is...

Lugia: Let me explain,

Feathers: sure dear, you're better at this sort of thing then me.  I just wanted to talk to sexy here a bit.  I'll set here and just gaze and feel his sexy body and energy.  <I feel her smiling at this.  >  by the way you're sexy too dear.

Lugia: basically think of the soul something like your physical body.  both are like an incarnation of the personality we shall call it, your true self.  Though the physical body dies eventually, the soul does not.  it lives on.  Though it may have certain interests and wants and after a time one may progress where the soul will go 1 way and you go another. 
I thought I was the soul, that the soul is the real self.

Lugia: many do till they are past a certain level, and you are at that level.  It is a bit complicated dear.  think of it as.  this'll take a bit to think over a more basic explanation....

Ok, think of it as, you are a spark of source.  the soul is a vehicle for upper, beyond a certain level, of being to explore certain things.  Though the soul by its nature is sentient.  Though a spark as we all are, we are individuals, and yes we are your parents, you are direct from us not source, but that makes no difference since ultimately we are all from source.  Souls are vehicles of a certain type, sentient vehicles.  They have their own histories, personalities to an extent.  When you purge you purge what can effect your personal body, but also the soul. You can help it to raise to a higher level, grow, learn. as you uncover more of your true level.  one can say souls are a layer above physical bodies, physical bodies are not just 3d, they go up to a certain level, let's say 6d, but they grow less and less solid, dense.  after a certain point it is just the soul.  Though in most places after a certain point one can be just in a soul and it can shape and have what looks like a body. In less dense places.  The soul can shape itself to look like say a dragon, dolphin, cube, ect.  With no soul your natural form is formless, say like a sphere, but formless.  a sphere is the closest one can say.  so let's say a sphere.  The soul can be whatever shape it wishes, though your energy of your true self can be whatever shape as well, most default to a sphere, though it blurs the difference between a soul and not having one. Once one gets past a certain point one may not use souls anymore.  Think of it as incarnating, then one gets to a point where one no longer wishes to wear a physical body vehicle to incarnate.  then there is the soul, one uses a soul for certain things.  I'll try to talk of this later, both of us, your parents, and perhaps others.  The interface... is not at the level yet to allow us to explain fully, translating it to where you can understand it is not easy for certain things. 

The soul is a vehicle like the physical body is, but one can say of a higher order.  Not better or more important, but of a higher order. 

One may have a soul for ages, or go through them quickly like you have done.  We are so proud of the level you have reached, the first level of your true being and one that we can reach you, you're true parents of the true you.  You have opened yourself up to a new level of being my son. 

this current soul we chose for you since it is the most comparable and we feel it'll be with you for ages perhaps since its' goals and yours are aligned.

It is possible for what some may call a personality and soul to be aligned so they are together for ages, or basically forever.  Then there are some like you who do change. Your original soul had, evolved to a point where it was not available to you but you had to have one where you were. at first they thought it best to have you switch to what was basically your soul's soul or one of his soul parents.  That didn't work out since he had never been t the earth, never incarnated there at all, and wasn't in alignment with your mission.  what you could call a lower expression of me or an aspect saw this and spoke to them and he stopped being your soul, that is why they broke all contact with you.  Then a soul was picked that was closer to you you can say.  Though that one did enjoy going to a new level, and helping with the shift, he wished to explore the new level he was at instead of continuing to shoot up, which is why you got your new soul, Darius is his chosen name.  the previous one was Kulstor as was your original one.  They were, lets say, parts of the same soul family so to speak. 

You were in transition and going through some purging and reaching to a new level, the time Darius appeared was perfect timing.  he is much more closely aligned with you then your previous soul was but you could say he was of a certain level you had to reach first.


how is the structure of the soul and me differ?

Lugia: The soul is a self aware vehicle, unlike the human body. a soul as a personality but not to the degree that you do.  it is hard to explain, they are sentient, have likes, preferences, but you are a personality, awareness.  it is difficult to explain this way but it should suffice.  As souls grow and learn you do also.  Though you also expand in size.  you do not just sit around you grow, evolve expand.  One can be larger then one's soul.

As for Darius we, your parents, created, fashioned him for you, custom you could say.  We created him, and are your parents, a difference, as was mentioned, but a distinct one.  you are the prince, not Darius, though together you are prince Darious, as before you were prince Kulstor.

I do not say that we are the highest expression of your parents, just the level you can reach us at.  though as you move upwards it may not be as apparent if there are changes, and yes I am what you could call a member of the progenitor of the reptilian species and other species that came from reptilian, but no need for such details now.

It is possible for one, like you, to grow and outgrow your soul, or to grow and not be in perfect alignment with your soul.  This is not a common thing, but it does happen and there is a system in place.  for many it is not important for a long time for the difference to be known, ages may pass.  Some find they prefer a certain level of being and stay there.  nothing is wrong with that.  it is all about what do you want to do, what do you enjoy, what excites you. 

You are awareness, personality, my son and prince, lover mate.  Darius is your soul for the moment and I suspect for many ages since he was custom made for you.  Why don't you try to channel Darius at some point.
  <I feel her smiling at this point.>


anything you want to say?

Lugia: we are all so proud of you for reaching this level.  we,  your true family, can finally be with you since you reached this level.  We've been watching, helping as much as we can in the sidelines so to speak, waiting & hoping you'd get to this level as quick as it looked like you would and you did.

I do wish we could answer all of your questions. Though part of the problem is is ou are still in a human body and don't have access to your full knowledge, memories, self.  So we have to leave lots of stuff out that we wish we didn't have to. 

But we are all so happy that once this incarnation is over you'll be able to be with us fully here, your parents and the misfits, we're all so happy about this and for you. finally you can be with us, we are all so happy. you don't know the degree of happiness or what this really means. 

soon you'll be fully here among us, finally at last after you know now how long. 


what do you think of Henry's group?  stay or go ? 

Lugia: do not close yourself to possible options that may be available now or may be in the near and not so distant future, also do not burn your bridges behind you.  it is not a hard and fast, this is best so you should drop it.  but there are things that are less good for you. Let your inner feeling guide you. 

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