Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wedensday [8-12]

Had what I think is called a false awakening.  I thought I awoke from my nap and decided to remain in bed and mediate briefly, in the eufeeling thing, relaxed non thinking way I learned more about in the secrets of quantum living book I'm reading.   I've been unknowingly doing this since i was 15 but the book helped me to learn more about this and the author says you can heal with it also.

Anyway while I was doing this and thinking I was awake I talked mentally a bit with Shalamane who said that yes her and Gar, and all the rest of my mates, lovers and such are doing well, but I should really focus on talking to and on Alkorna, due to the present stage I'm at.  Yes I'm still the crown prince and though I am still of the species I was before, I've also evolved past that, past being specific species, as well.


Then briefly after that a female me, I guess it is Alkorna, came to talk to me.  She said that before I was anchoring in the 4-6th dimensional energies to the earth, and that is helping with the shift.  the thing is that say my entourage are bringing in 4-6th dimensional energies, the ships around the earth and those aliens are bringing in say the Sirius, Pleiades, and other energies, but though my entourage, and others, are bringing in the 4-6d energies (and higher) it is say a slight nudge, compared to an actual incarnate like me doing that, that is like a huge boost in comparison.

She then went on to say I've started to bring in the 7th dimensional energies.  She said think of the dimensions as say floors of a building and say there are 9 steps to each floor.  I am either on the 9th step of the 6th floor or perhaps the landing of the 7th floor.  she said she wouldn't say which.  She said starting at the 8th step especially one starts looking at the above floor, in this case the 7th and learning about it.  Say 60% of one's focus is on the 7th floor & around 40% on the 6th floor, to look at what you have learned, the bit you need to learn more, but looking at what you can see of the 7th floor also.   With the 9th step you're more like 80-90% focused on the 7th floor and you can see more of it, but not the whole yet.  Though you do look a bit at the 6th floor and what you have learned. 

Then you take a step up and you're on the landing of the the 7th floor. You can now see the 7th floor very well, you are here.  Though you have yet to step on the 1st step.  most relax a bit looking around, before taking their first step and starting to learn.   Though she doesn't really consider someone a native to a floor till they are on the 3rd step since then they can say they have 1/3rd of the steps under their belt.  One could say that once you reach the landing you are a native to the 7th floor, but she doesn't really consider one a native till they get to the 3rd step, but that that is just her choice and preference, it's not a real rule.  you could, a she said, call yourself a native once you reach the landing before the first step.

She also said something about I'm anchoring 4 through 6th dimensional energies.  I've started bringing in 7th dimensional energies, but I'm not quite yet anchoring those, but I soon will be.  But she wouldn't go into detail what she meant by that.

and also she said, like Shalamane said, that I am the crown prince, but wouldn't say of what or where, and I am still the specific species that I was before, though I've evolved past being specific species also.

I also go the an impression of something to do with rainbow, but not in what context. 


I did the 9th meditation of part 3 and running the energies went fantastic, great even, as did the rest of this meditation since most of it was about running the energies of different light body energy centers.   I may repeat it again later today, this evening maybe, I'll decide then.

Part of I was distracted since I had I guess Alkorna talking to me about how the elites, and others who control, or really influence, the world have a lot on their plates and concerns to come after certain folks like me since I'm just here doing my own thing not after them, nor after toppling them, nor cutting myself into their power base.  So they have all those reasons to not go after me, who am here just doing my own thing. 

If any did suggest they do then some others would point to some very visible ones like the guy who channels Bashar, and others and they'd say, why not go after them, they are much more visible, very public, but they are just staying stuff like take back your power, which most humans won't hear their message, and those that do most won't do it or may only partially do so.  and some would start taking back their power even without those visible public ones saying that. 

The scratches on my body before that happened were, done by say like an angry teenager who wanted to warn or threaten you and does so by writing a threatening message on a piece of paper and wadding it up out of anger and tossing on your doorstep. You see it and see it and thing it was just trash that blew up on your doorstep and don't understand the message and don't get any fear like the teen wants, or they may cut you out of anger for what you are doing and you think, oh I must have brushed against something and scratched myself. 

Though with your entourage around such a thing is impossible to happen, since they wouldn't let anyone anywhere nearby, and with your title, there would be a lot of diplomatic issues that would come up.  Especially since I'm here doing my own thing, and it doesn't directly cut into their power or influence, I've not challenged them and am not the type to do so, and my soul contract doesn't  call for me ever doing that.  No idea why I was told this. 

also I was reminded of an image I saw of myself as a sphere of light, like a star, a ball of light, with a white crystalline core, but shining out a rainbow of colors, along with some white light. 

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Had a nudge to get a move named Astral city.  I watched the trailer on youtube.  Looks like an interesting movie, though I do prefer it it were in English, the English subtitles I normally wouldn't watch but since I have the nudges I'll eventually get it.  I put it on the list of things to get along with something else that is similar to what I was nudged to get.  In this things case I guess it is so I can start doing that relaxed non thinking meditation for 2 meals a day. Think I'll start trying to do that with the next meal, but still get the 2nd item, since it's less then $4.  The Astral City movie I'll get with the next amazon purchase, whenever that is.  not sure if i"ll get the Blu-ray or DVD.  Both are about the same price with I think a 6 or so cent difference.  This pc can handle a blu-ray movie, though as I recall my tablet can't, since I've done a test with a few minutes of a movie I own the blu-ray version of. 


I did the 10th meditation that is part of part 3 of awaken the light body. Almost done.  On Friday I'll be starting part 4.  Running the energies was a sensual pleasure, all of the centers. The meditation itself was relaxing.  It was supposed to be relaxing on the voice of the Pieah, the 6th light body energy center.  But I don't, and never, understand what Orin, Daben, Duane, nor Sanaya, mean by that.  So I just did the eufeeling, the relaxed non thinking, as much as I can, and being regular relaxed and I went at the very least to medium level of a relaxed trance stage, so overall I'd mark this up as a great meditation. 

Though for some reason, while I was very relaxed breathing wasn't to easy, and I did stop breathing at least once during the meditation.  No idea why.  No biggie.  

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