Thursday, July 9, 2015

30 MONAD [7-9]

Think I'll just channel instead of trying to recreate the conversation.

<Indeed as we were saying before during your meditation, and sorry for the distraction but it was an excellent time to say those things to you as well as giving you the idea to channel, though last night you were thinking about doing that anyway.

Anyway as we were saying during your mediation, indeed you had been more like a male with a vagina, a marked difference between being a herm proper one may say.  I've been feeling some of your feminine nature coming to the surface due to where you are currently and we do agree as a herm, which is your natural and preferred state and body on this side, you are still more male leaning, but that is different then a male with a vagina.  Embrace it as you have been doing and it'll go far smoother as it is currently.  it is a part of your nature thaty you can feel.  Like looking at us, Karninus and a male mate like Nagi's twin.  You can look at us as both a male and the gay sex that we'll have and have had, as well as a bit like a woman would who does enjoy sex, though we and Karninus are full balanced herms so you can feel different about the 2 of us.  Also you may find you have added feelings for your female mates as well, and we do agree with your other mates that most of them should be females, some herms and or folks who shift their gender either based on their mood, what the person they are with wants to do, ect.  You may also start doing some research into woman vs male brains, thinking ect, and we do agree it's a good idea for your female mates, and herm ones also, and later on the ones who shift their gender, to do perhaps a girl's day out, night out, and lesbian fun as well to help bring out more of your feminine nature and you can reach your natural balance, though most of those will have to wait till you are here.  Though we could arrange for you to experience some lesbian type sex/sharing as well as what you have so far, straight with you as the male, female, gay with you receiving and giving.  so perhaps a more balanced between the sex and sharing.  Also maybe a gir's get together, hang out in 1 or more of your dreams and a guy's get together, hangout as well as a herm one with us balanced herms.  We can look into arranging that.

Embrace your feminine and masculine selves.  at first you likely will be a male leaning herm, but in time that may change over time, shifting from male leaning, balance, female leaning, based on your mood.

Though where you are when you go out in public we would say before you do take your feminine nature and, so to speak, put it on your left shoulder and be fully male.  It'll be far easier for you, believe us, which you know.

Perhaps you can do some meditative daydreaming and do the girls get together, hangout, guys, and balanced herm one, we can arrange to help in that and guide it a bit.  Many options we'll have to consider and talk to others about.

You are really doing very well and are hitting all the marks, so to speak, at your natural high speed, and yes there is a reason for your having weak ties to earth, but we'll discuss that once you're here, if there is any need.  And it may seem a bit unusual for us to be mates, but it is part of our nature and would be, really, unusual for us ot not be mates at this point so we are glad you fully accept this.  It'll go much more sensual pleasurable for all of us, far smoother in your continued growth and learning and evolving, growth, and opens up some excellent options for us, you and us we mean

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