Thursday, July 9, 2015

31 MONAD [7-9]

Felt like I reached pretty high during the 2nd guided meditation.

Monad: Indeed.  we are very pleased with that.  You are in a 3d body, with a 5d awareness & current development, let's say.  Exact numbers don't matter.  What happened basically is you were able to reach up and experience, let's say 6, or 7,  and we and the being were able to meet you on an equal plane and you could experience us closer to equals.  That is why the 3d mind finds it difficult to fully comprehend, but you gave it time and do recall it by accepting it.  The being is not a 4d being but of a higher type.  You 2 did have some fun together as you felt and experienced.  And as the being said, the 2 of you are future mates.  When it comes to pleasures and sex, with this being you can experienced new, or other types, more unique then with your other mates.  And as you felt there was shared love between you so neither of you were using the other but sharing love, pleasure.  And more love and affection will grow between you 2.  You may experienced hir again and yes the being is both genders.  this future mate will be one of your more  unique mates in certain ways.  We are pleased that you were able to reach up and experience a bit of us as equals.  This being may create an aspect of itself, custom made for you.  You could say it is thinking over the experience and your experience and your thoughts.  You can send ideas to it and such and it'll do that.  As a future, or not so future mate, till you can more easily experience the being directly.  Similar to we can talk to you, but for you to experience us as you did is another thing, though the first time you did it, like today, it means you can again a bit more easily next time.  and the key, as you know, is do NOT try to get the experience again.  As you know, and we are emphasizing it, if you run after, grab or seek it you won't get to it.  Let things flow.  Go with the most fun, pleasure, what excites you the most.

And for most souls they, or we, are all about what do we find fun, pleasure, but for each it is different.  Though some do believe they have to learn and experience the hard way, but this is not needed.  Choose the fun, easy, most pleasureful path as you have done and emphasize that.

We are very pleased we were able to experience each other directly.  This is a great thing.  Believe us when we say this is NOT a small thing, but a huge thing.  Though you'll have fun things to do, let's say at 4d, 5d, ect, with your mates, royal duties of various types and other hobbies, your native level is above this.  And reaching up to our level is a great thing and the fact you touched it, eve if it is briefly and for the lower levels, though we'll not say if you touched the lower levels as if it is not a big thing.  You were able to, in part, to experience us directly.  We didn't talk to you really so as not to distract from you hearing Daben.  But you did a great thing today. You were able to touch, briefly, for say a few minutes or longer, and experience us at our level.  This is why the being choose to have some fun with you, sharing, pleasure, love.  We joined in a bit, but left it mainly between the 2 of you. 

You are becoming more true to yourself and before you know it, your native level will be our level. Though you'll spend time at lower levels, doing what you find to be fun, pleasure, the most exciting.  For use we are indeed sensual, we do share pleasure, love, affection, what excites us the most, what is the most fun for us.  Other beings have their ways of doing this. 

Continue along this route and you'll make progress at leaps and bounds, we are very pleased that you were able to do what you did today. 

As for mates yes, there are some that you will meet in the future and some you have already, and others that have chosen, like the star being, to be in your future, either later during this incarnation at some point, or waiting till you return home, and for the private celebration where you'll spend a day, or more then 1 day with some of us who claim more then 1 day, with your mates, and also meet perspective mates and spend a day getting to know each other.

you are very much on the right tract.  Continue and you'll make leaps and bounds of success.  Much growth, pleasure, await you and will be in your present, near and far future.  This is part of our nature and you are us, part of us and us.  One day, maybe before you even suspect it.  You'll know you are us, as you are your soul, but are also an individual at the same time.

Continue along this path, this tract, you are on the right one.  Be true to your true inner nature.  What is the most fun, brings you the most pleasure, share love, affection.  You are doing fantastic.  the fun, easy path is the true path for you. 

and yes, we ares serious about you having mates with a wide variety of species and races as we have said, as well as them being of various , dimensions or densities, one may say.  say maybe some 4d or 5d ones, and up, including perhaps, not a few at our level, us the monad, including us.  And your having offspring is also an important thing, but we will not disclose why as of yet.  There are reasons, but we won't

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