Friday, July 17, 2015

Friday [7-17] Short channel from Dragoness Mother

I did 3rd me meditation for the 6th part for the first time and running the energies went great.  Some of the light body energy centers I imagined the size of my fullonia cocoon and that went very well too, then I imagined the others as large and that went great also.

The primary part of the meditation went great also.  I could feel the fullonia and vee energies, the vee I could feel the light energy coming down from above. It was all a sensual pleasurable feeling, very much a sensual plasure, each light body energy center or light body center had it's own different feel to it. And as before the 6th LB energy center is connected to my unicorn horn which is also connected to my 3rd eye.  Not sure how that works but I don't question it. 


Not sure what it was but I briefly sat back in my chair and went into a sorta half doze, resting, experiencing that everyone is... hard to describe, like everyone is aspects of everyone else, we are different versions of each other.  Hard to describe the experience.

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I was thinking.  Some or all of my mates and me may be non linear.  For example. Shalamane and Kerria I see hear from every day really.  Gaia to an extent almost every day.  But say with Spitfire from her point of view she may be talking with me say every other day, but my point of view maybe once or twice a week.  Maribelle may be to her we talk every day, say several times a day.  Mine it's once a day at most.

I was thinking back and remembering the time I didn't hear from her for 10 days and then she popped up, saying she had no idea that much time had passed for me.  To her it had been about a day and a half.  So this may be part of the non linearness thing.  And may help that no mate feels that they are being short changed or neglected.  Maybe there'll be more non linear and multi dimensionality to it also. 


I'm also curious if some of my mates may do the incarnating thing.  By that I mean say I have a female mantid mate who is a, let's say an engineer.  Her lifespan may be say however many years let's say, or maybe longer.  Next incarnation she may return as say a male mantid and this time be a doctor.

I may have another mate who is say a female lizard type species who's a doctor.  Next incarnation she may be say a geneticist who's a male lyran.  Then a female ambassador pleidian.  Or maybe another may be say always an insectoid, but changes gender and professions and species, but is always an insectoid.  

This may be some of my mates.  Others may be more permanent in their species and form say Gaia, Shalamane, maybe Bruce (no idea how dragons work on that way).  So some will be the same, and some may change. 

So some may be permanent in form/species, and gender.  Others may stick with the same species but change gender, some may be different species but usually the same gender, but not always, and some may totally change everything.  Though I feel those may be not as often.  Some may do say if they are usually a lyran, they may experiment as say a mantid or some other species now and then but are usually 1 specific species usually. others may rotate between certain species type, like always an insectoid 90% of the time, but rotate between say 3 or 6 species.


Heard from Bruce briefly.  He said I really am a very beautiful dragoness.  Then said he was going to paint me.  I'm flattered, and said as much.  I asked what medium he uses and he says all types.  Very flattering indeed, or so I think.


Got a short message from Maribelle's mother to just call her Belle. Nice name.

Belle's mate, Maribelle's father, said is name is Marcus and he wants to be mates with me also, if I'll have him.  Felt like he was shy and bashful as he said it.  Then he said he's completely bi if that matters any.  Also a bit shy and bashful.  Then added I could call him Silverleaf if I want instead.  I got a mental image of him sorta holding his head down shyly and using one hoof to sort of scratch at the grown, sort of motion.  Same motion and him adding in, also shyly and bashful, no hurry, take your time, as long as you want. 


I ran the energies and did the meditation for part 3 the 2nd time, this time without listening to the audio.  It went pretty well, considering there was none of Daben's vocalizations, very well considering that.  The ball when it opened as a flower was a beautiful violet type color, a rose violet type color I think it was.

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ad a nice conversation with Kerria.  Some of it very erotic, some funny.  One of the humorous bits was she said she would teach me how to court her in traditional kirin fashion if I wanted. I asked how would she want me to court her and she said lots of sex.  I said we've had a lot of sex, well as much as we can under the circumstances and she said yes, and I have successfully courted her.  Funny

She also said if I wanted she, Shalamane, and belle (Maribelle's mother) would help train up my sexual stamina.  I accepted, since that sounds like lots of fun. 


I think Kerria has been hinting at maybe finding me another stallion or 2 as mates.  that'll give me 3-4 perspective stallion mates.  I'll just go along with that, same as I am with having all the mates that some of them, Shalamane and others, want me to have. 


I was curious so decided to ask my dragones mother about the royalty nobel thing. 

<well dear, you know the naga and positive alpha draconians are royalty.  all I'll say on the other, western and eastern.  the eastern dragon form of ours at the default has 5 toes, make of that what you will.  and the western dragon, well it does have titles too.  which are yours as much as mine since remember I am sharing all my titles and such with you.  :)  > 

Really?  I don't feel that high.  <yes dear it is real, do not doubt yourself.  After all do you think you'd incarnate as a member of the royal family of this or that place?  This gets you away from that.  Though you've not existed technically before January, though you are also of a new timeline too that we created so you did exist also in this new time line. it gets complicated so don't try to understand the seeming paradox.  just be yourself and you'll do great.  keep on the road you are on and you'll do well.  You'll surprise yourself.

5 toes really?  <yes 5. and yes titles responsibilities duties, pleasures, sensual, sexual being. just do like you are doing, love and accept yourself. you are doing very well in accepting and loving yourself.  That is after all why the part of you you call your soul, former twin flame, Nagi, monad, and nagi, are mates or perspective mates of yours and you do have love type feelings for them. You already love yourself, just accept all this like you are doing.  no doubt, be yourself.> 


I still don't know why this is happening.  The wanting me to have mates across as wide a variety of species.  Some of my main mates wanting me to have very unique mates. 
and my mates, perspective mates will be females, but some herms and males too.  I'm also being pre courted and such, but I've written about that before.

Nor why It seems that I seem to have 3 primary mates.  Shalamane (positive royal alpha draconian), Kerria (a kirin mare), and Belle (Maribelle's mother.  They've given me some clues.

I thought it over and I decided since it feels right, and I do find it interesting, and exciting, I'll not question it but just go with the flow.  Like my having who knows how many titles and such.  I'll just go with the flow since it feels right, and I also feel it excites me too and I find it interesting.  Even if it may not make sense to me, how I can have all these titles, royalty, I'll accept all that too.  That is my decision.  I think in the long, and short run it'll make things flow much more smoothly.

I guess it also means I have many great surprises in store for me for the future.  I'm excited about that too. 

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