Now I'm really starting the redoing all the awaken the light body guided meditations, over 35 days. I wonder what experiences I'll have over that time. The way I see it by doing this I am fully finished with the awaken the light body course, and I may have new experiences, but it also helps to re-enforce and strengthen the foundation before I move on to the next course.
I did the 2nd audio of part 1 of the awaken the light body course, this one deals only with the 1st light body energy center, the Nua and running the energies, for this 1 energy center and the 2nd one too, the ninya. it was a great meditation. Running the energies went fantastic. I remained very relaxed and went pretty deep for part of the meditation, though I did manage to remember it all. I was basically doing the same thing, running the energies & part of me, while I was very deep, was making sure my left knee didn't bother me during this meditation. So a fantastic meditation. more then fantastic really.
I was thinking before my nap that the native earth humans evolve & grow, set pace. Meaning most of them grow and evolve at a certain pace and speed. Though one can grow, evolve & expand faster if they wish. more difficult to do with the conditions of the earth being as they are at present, one could still do this. THough many still did get caught up in the karmic wheel much like a hampster could running on it's wheel. Though I've written before about those of us who came to help the native humans and the others caught up on this and to help with the shift and to change things here. Though it'll take time.
Also the light workers too, 4d, 5d, whatever level they are at, also progress at around the same pace. Though there are exceptions who ones like me who take our growth and evolution into our hands, and want to grow faster, not at the common set pace. Neither way is better then the other, its about what do you prefer, what do you find the most fun?
Found out today from someone who said Gaia told them I'm a little above Gaia's level in terms of development.
Not sure if I'll stop at some point. I'll see how high I can grow and how fast I can go, at a safe pace. Then after this incarnation, I'll likely keep evolving, growing, expanding, as fast as I safely can. Though still be active say 4d and up. Though I may drop 4d eventually if I get up to, for example 12d, 14d, ect. I'll leave that decision for the future of course.
Though I do think I'll have no real interest in 3d stuff. I'll leave that for the future. Though I do have no interest in incarnating on earth at all. Not that I hate being here, I do really want to go home. But if I put that aside & go deep, as I have typed up before, I have no real desire or interest in incarnating on the earth anymore. If I do help in the current shift once this incarnation is over, I"ll do so from the other side, from say a 4d or 5d perspective, on various ways. Plenty of time to decide that later on. Even though incarnating on the earth doesn't interest me anymore.
I've come here to do what I did, personally to awaken, and then to see how high I can evolve, and grow to, reach. Also to have my energy effect others who are ready to be effected by it, and help them to awaken, grow, evolve, ect, and the earth grid and channeling special energy into it and others also. But also the ones who come into contact with my energy, through various ways, are positively effected. Also my evolving, growing, awakening, helps make it easier for others who are here to do the same, if they are ready.
Once this incarnation is over I"ll continue doing what interests me, what I find the most fun and excites me, including growing and evolving as high as I can.
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I did the 3rd meditation for part 1. Going pretty fast, but I'll be doing all this in around 35 days for all the meditations for the 6 parts.
Running the energies was a sensual pleasure. The audio on the meditation was very low. I'll remember to jump ahead to test the audio before I really listen to the meditation in the future. I found I had as much of a benefit and a sensual pleasure not flexing the muscles a Daben wanted me to. Though he mentions, or maybe it was Orin, in either a later guided meditation or in one of the pdf manuals. Whichever one of them says, basically says they want everyone to get where they can experience the light body energy centers , don't recall the exact words but what I can recall and Daben saying no experience is wrong, Think orin said it also. and what they said before, I would say it is correct to be able to do the first 3 light body energy centers and not need to flex any muscles. If I am flexing any muscles it's those of one of the energy bodies, or my imagining that I am maybe, but not really doing it. overall an excellent meditation, a bit distracted since I was sometimes thinking some other stuff I wanted to put down here.
I was in a group chat and someone there was saying the same basic thing I was, but in a totally different way, which is fine, we are all individuals. but the feeling of the energy was he was trying to argue with me and get me over to agreeing with him, when we were already in agreement, but saying things in totally different ways. that is fine. I'm not annoyed with him and wish him the best and do have soul level love for him, assuming it is a human male. that is fine. I left, partially since I choose to not be drawn into an argument, and I did have something I needed to do, namely the mediation from part 1 that I talk about above. The experience was most enlightening. I do see things as Matt Kahn has mentioned in at least 1, and maybe more then 1 of his videos, where everyone here and every thing, is meant to teach us, show us something, ect. So I see that and feel that was to show me how easy it can be to be drawn into an argument with a human when the 2 of you are already in agreement from the start but both may not perceive that from the start. And it is very easy, to not be drawn into an argument. Also went to show me how different I am from most here, though I've known I was different from the vast majority here. Not that I'm better, since everyone is equal, even if they are say a 3d soul or a 16d soul, all are equal.
It is ok to be totally different then most everyone on this planet, since I'm not a native earth soul, but I did come here for 1 incarnation as part of a mission, and I am also uncovering more of my true nature and how high I really am. I do feel very different from my graduation guided meditation that was part 12 of the final part of the awaken the light body that I did I think on Sunday. I thanked the person's soul for a most enlightening encounter, and I may discover more in the future that I have not noticed before.
and just cause we are both enlightened and maybe fully or partially awake doesn't mean we will agree or see things the same or think the same, or feel the same. Everyone still has their own personality.
Like I think Matt said in one of his videos, he said something like (don't recall his exact words) you can be fully enlightened and awake and still be a jerk. Not that the person was a jerk, but we are all individuals after all.
I was reading the Quantum Living book and got to a section where he says you can either have a friend read the following to you, record yourself doing it, or buy his 2 cd set if you want him to do the reading. I looked it over and it is basic stuff so I can do it, even with no friend to read it, no way to record any audio, and also my unwillingness to set up an account on his website and pay him $16 to buy the audio download. I'll try the meditation later on, since it is basic stuff. I think in the future I may buy only the audio versions of his books. I'm only 30% of the way into his book. Some of the stuff is stuff I've noticed, or I've noticed part of it, but have not reached the conclusion or not really noticed it. Basic stuff so far, which is good.
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I did the 4th audio of part 1. it did not contain any running of the energies. The whole thing was about sub personalities. I choose to deal with doubt this time. I did feel like there was a change in my energies, as it talked to a high level master and it grew, in light and understanding. Then we did it with all of my sub personalities as Orin called them. Aspects some others may call them. All of this did feel like all of them grew in much more light and my absorbing them into myself did cause my own energy and light to grow and increase, including the first one that was doubt. Feels like I grew a lot from that guided meditation. Grew and learned a lot and grew in more light and understanding, as well as more of my own personal power.
I remembered as I lay down something Bruce said to me earlier, during the 1st or 2nd guided meditation but forgot to put into the earlier blog. He noticed my greater inner light. He then said something like "you shine a greater light then you did before, like a sun." Nice of him to notice and say that.
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I do believe I'm getting use to how I feel, my energy, since the big change on Sunday. I don't feel the energy or new me, as much as before. Though I still do. Makes sense that since I live with me & my energy 24/7 that I would get use to it. At least till the next big change that is. :)
It's more then just the change in my energy. Hard to describe how that feels different. More of it, but also a change. Hard to describe indeed.
My attitude and feelings have changed as well. Certain things are so obvious then before. Every day has been great. I see no negativity, just all positivity. Other things I just know also, hard to describe it. Besides great.
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