Thought I'd ask a question to sorta bugged me and I had sorta conflicting information. Thought I'd ask my monad since it should know.
So, does reaching physical masturbation waste energy or not? <intention is the key. If the intent and experience is you sharing, or to use a human term sex, with one of your mates, such as us, your companion, or one of your other mates, then no energy is wasted, instead you share energy with the other individual through the sharing, pleasure, love, sex, affection, ect. Sex is but one tiny faucet of what some call soul sex, or sex. So intent is the key. if you are sharing with your companion, us or another mate, or more then 1 if it's a 3 some or more, then no, there is no wasted energy. Though the human body does need time to recover perhaps,and it is messy that one does need to clean up. The energy bodies are ready go go again immediately, the human body needs some time to recover before it can physically ejculate again. Though one can experience more sharing immediately afterwards not using the human body, or only partially using it.
Another way you can try sharing is to lay back in the chair, recline back, put the cover over your eyes, meditate, reach a deep level of relaxation and try sharing in that manner. With your senses being dulled you may not feel or experience the full sharing effects, unlike if you were here, since the human body does dull the senses, you can share in that manner. Also you can try projecting. the light body courses will form a good foundation with that, and you can use some of the basics for astral travel to consciousness project or project in higher light bodies then astral, such as the mental, light, and higher. if you wish we and your various mates will help behind the scenes if need be, and you did come across a book done by a person who attended some of Jane Robert's sessions that can help also. you may come across other techniques in the future and we'll help here also. Though continue doing the light body and other things since everything you are doing forms a great foundation and helps you to unfold to your true self, as well as progress, evolve and grow. >
<leaving Ivan's chat like you did on google+ was in the long run a good thing. Ivan may not know it, but JC does have certain issues he needs to work though and he is, unknowingly doing some negativity, though he helps quite a few with his channeling. Just remain in the channels you are in now, they are far more positive.>
I did the 11th meditation for part 6, and running the energies went well overall. The main meditation was about reaching and being source, god, all that is, or whatever you call it. Not sure if I reached that but I did reach a place where time was meaningless since it was outside physicality. time had no meaning since you could say past, present, and future, existed at once, but that isn't right since time is meaningless there. Unrealized potential and realized potential all co existed at the same time. Some souls were there directly, and all others had links or ties, but were not there themselves. hard to describe. Also in my mind's eye I saw there was the brightest white light everywhere. I wasn't with the light but I was the light and whatever that is. i wasn't there with the other souls who were directly present, they were there with me. Hard to describe. It did feel like a wonderful place. but not a place I'd want to stay since my mates were not directly there, and there are other things for me to do outside that place, fun, sensual, pleasures, love, affection to experience outside there. hard to describe my experience.
I did the 11th meditation for the 2nd time and running the energies went very well. As for the main meditation, it went overall well. I couldn't get very deep since this body kept wanting to move and when I didn't for periods of time I felt odd very intense pulses of energy, mostly in my legs.
Though despite that I did experience some of what I did before. Though less intensely. I was at some place with pure love, some souls were present but everyone else had links or ties there, but were elsewhere in existence. Time had no meaning since it is a timeless place. An eternity can pass in a instant. potential all exists there, realized and unrealized. hard to describe what it was like. The other souls that were present were there with me and I was, I would guess, source. But we were 1, though they were individuals too at the same time, same as those with links or ties there, but were elsewhere. A very pleasant place, but not my place I felt. Maybe the place to visit now & then, but not a place I'd want to remain in forever since there is so much sensual, pleasure, love, affection, love, sex, with friends, lovers mates, fun, to experience. Closest way I can describe that sort of general feeling as well.
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