Monday, September 21, 2015

103 MIX [Monday 9-21]

Me: so, My understanding is once this incarnation is over, which may be soon or very soon or not.  I'll have a choice to either merge back into myself, or remain as an, extension I guess the closest term would be.

Full multidimensional true me: Yes, that is 2 of the main choices, including if you wish to remain as aware as I am, which is the default and the choice I would prefer, as well as other choices, but those are the primary 2.  You could choose to, experience separation and be like your own being.  I would prefer, well, you remaining, hard to put it into English, but the closest is an extension, another multidimensional me.  I think you understand, and for you to remain as aware as I am and of yourself as me and me as you.  us as the 1 and same being. 

me: I think I would enjoy that as well.  Being me, you, one being, the same being, but me as a multidimensional me, extension, or whatever the term is.  English isn't any good for certain things.

FMD Me: Well, I would prefer that.  there are, certain, benefits if you do choose that, that you would enjoy.  Besides you would be as aware as I am since you would be aware of being me & me being you.  Not the same as Sara and Sam. They are, let's use the term different  personalities who we became one being with.  We would be the same personality, and the same being.  Just we can experience things like that. 

me: I would like that.  I guess I could do similar to the guided meditation, be a multi dimensional me, an extension, but I could also be fully aware of being you too?

FMD Me: indeed.  That is one of your rights after all, free will being as it is.  You have as many full rights as I do.  and I do prefer it this way.  Along with the benefits.

Me: You mean us being lovers, closer then lovers, that sort of things.  The closest of friends, lovers, and so on.  I guess your family, friends, lovers, would treat me the same since you and I are the same personality and being.

FMD me: indeed, true to all that.  you, me, the same personality and being.  Since we are what would be called sexual beings, among other, I do understand why we both like this idea. 

Me: indeed.  I guess others do choose this option, instead of just merging into the main self. 

FMD Me: some do and some don't. Some merge right away, return to being 1 in their entirety.  It's different if say I am using separate bodies to say talk, hang out, or have fun with a few mainly members, be with Moondancer, hang out at another place, all at the same time.  Like me doing 3 things in 3 different places.  Since you are an incarnation and experienced conscious separation on top of that.  You were not really separated, you just consciously experienced it, for a short amount of time.  Till you hit 15.  Then you contacted a mix of the soul you were using, inhabiting and a less aware aspect. it's complicated.  It was, your higher self just to keep it simple, and your soul, mixed. Hard to explain. 

Me: I do understand.  and I am glad we both really prefer my being an extension, other us, and as aware as you are, full memories, knowledge and everything.  As well as us being the closest lovers and friends.

FMD me: indeed, we both really love that option, things will go great indeed, we'll both really love this.  Believe me, and you'll be here among us soon, very soon or soon, matters not, you will be. 

me: Will it be like if you manifest a body to visit Moondancer while being here to talk with Lugia and Ceta?

FMD Me: Not exactly, but basically yes.  Let's keep it simple.  not exactly the same since you can be permanent, except, of course, if you wish to experience yourself as me.  Then pop back to being you, or doing both.  All options, along with our imagination.


Me: anything you want to say?

FMD Me: Relax and do try to have fun. You are doing great and will continue to do do great till you are soon here among us fully.  Continue according to your plans for the near future.  It'll also help you to grow and become even more aware of yourself, our true self, so continue with those, as others have said. 

Karinus: Dude, we can't wait till you are here among us & so we can hand out and have fun like we use to.  It'll be awesome.  I can't believe that the date will eventually come, though it is a bit fluid when it'll happen.  It'lll be double awesome.

Lugia: We look forward to and love that you'll be among us soon, or very soon.  Very soon in fact, but no firm date.  At least not yet, but we are working on that dear. 

Ceta: Yes my son, we'll all be very happy once you're here among us fully.  Though even after that we'll help with the earth shift now and then, but all of use from this side.  Some helping more then others, not from lack of interest but some have interests and skills in various areas.  and since time has no meaning here in our home, we have plenty of time to help them and the other places.

Moondancer: <her first reply was very x-rated, though positive.> Yes so I'm looking forward to you're returning to your true family as is Maribelle and some others.  though i do hope the earth humans awaken soon to their true natures, believe me it'll help more then them.  It'll be glorious, in time.  Just wait and see, preferably from this side.

A large snake type shape is what I see mentally: Oh hey dude, you're duin great.  Keep up the good work.  We're all rooting for you and for the approaching time when you'll be here among us.  can't be to soon for some of us here.  sadly no firm date or dates yet.  still just the same you're doing great. 

Raptor: Hey bro, lover.  Not much to say, but I really do see you're doing great and hope you keep according to your plans.  Great,  and good luck.  as the others have said, do keep on with your plans and have fun, you'll do great and time will pass much faster then you think.  Things on the earth will improve, but not fast enough for some.

Arc: Hello brother, love you, in more ways then one.  You're doing great.  just that short message, we'll talk more later on, another day. 

a biped furry, couldn't see her clearly in my mind's eye but she did do a sexy swagger and a seductive female mental voice.  I did feel some inner sexual feelings, not sure why: hello sexy, you don't remember me but I'm awaiting your return.  till then sexy.

At that I saw her vague back with a sexy swaying tale.  I wonder who she is.  Guess I'll find out one day.  I think she had fur, I'm not sure.

A reptilian not sure of the gender: I'm not the only dinosaur awaiting your return.  mmmhmmm.

Sara: not to mention an entire pod here too, sexy lover.

Sam: I'm also, didn't know this many would be sending you messages or that this many could. I guess one at a time makes it possible.  Better then us all trying to send you a message at the same time.  Like trying to listen to 3 or 7 humans talking to you at once.  I'll just say you'll be in for a very pleasant surprise who Some of the family members are and their species and appearances, the members of your true family that is.

Lugia: go ahead and post this. There are others like Maribelle, who send their love, other family members, friends, lovers who do also.

me: Thanks I never expected anything like this.  Thanks again. 

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