Brother: just call me raptor. think of my species as the type of dinosaur that includes the Utah Raptor, Deinonychus and the others. I just wanted to pop in for a short talk sexy brother. and our relationship is, not unlike that of brothers. most, or some, of the same beings who made you made me also. we're, obviously, members of the same family and are, siblings, brothers mainly, but also friends, lovers, and such.
After the long talk the Fred wanted to say, feel free to pause and rest, you're forearms are not fully rested yet. I don't mind.
Me: I do feel inner feelings towards you like we are, lovers, instead of just friends or brothers.
Raptor: Indeed we are lovers, friends, close friends. hehe, I was a bit, well let's say a bit shy about approaching you to talk before that first time I did so. I've popped in a few times for a very brief talk. Now I thought I, well, we could have a talk. But as i said feel free to pause often to rest your forearms and do other things. I really don't mind.
as for us being lovers, yes, that does include sharing of various types, sex, or what the earth humans would call sex. We are all sexual beings, to put it in earth human terms. The reason is we enjoy sharing love, pleasure, sensualness, our very being, and are open with it to each other, and certain others, but not to just anyone nor total strangers. Unless we feel a close resonance with the person. Then we'd want to talk and spend time with the person to get to know them better before we did do any sharing of any type. Just to get to know them better, and other things and reasons. S it's not like the earth human expression of just hopping into bed with anyone, we are not like that. Though there are some beings like that. I've found such beings are often, searching to fill some lack they feel within themselves.
& to be frank many of us do love you, all of us, your family do. but of course, with individuals, we are closer to some then to others. That is ok and fine. We are individuals. I love you dearly, more then just since we share some of the same parents. i do love you dearly and we were lovers before your incarnation. I still love you dearly sexy brother, and I'm sure we can continue your relationship, if not during your incarnation, once you return home.
me: I'm open to continuing it in both. Since I do feel I have feelings for you, which i'm sure comes from my true self. from me in fact.
Raptor: indeed they do. you are more in touch with your true self then you know or suspect. Do as Fred says, believe you are your true whole self right this moment. Keep putting yourself in that belief and framework. it is an illusion that you are not your true self my sexy bro. You are your true self right this instant. believe it to be so, it will be so. do away with the last tatters of the illusion.
Though your human body is very dense. There is still much of your true self you can be, access, and know. but aside such thoughts that you are not your true self yet, you are your true self right this very instant. right now. believe it and it will be so. my bro. aside from that, I am very happy that you do accept your feelings for myself. some would reject, be scared or find them confusing. This also helps others incarnated on the earth. as another brother of ours would say, the reason for this is a resonance with yourself, that is in perfect alignment with your true self, is mirrored in the planetary earth grid making it easier for others to be their true selves, or as much as the denseness there allows them to be so.
I'll go now, we'll talk more later sex bro. Again, be your true self, believe it, be it. you will be it. it is really that simple. if you drift or slip from this, step back into being your true self. at this point it is more then just that easy.
me: Thanks. I'll start doing that. Thanks for the visit and I look forward to our next conversation and time together.
Raptor: Thanks, see and talk to you again next time sexy bro.
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